Monday, August 8, 2011

Mark 1st Soccer Game

Mark had his first soccer game right after Makenna's this past Saturday. He is on the Light Blue team this year, but when they started to head out onto the field they realized that the yellow team that they were playing only had 5 players. When Mark's coach asked his team if anyone would be willing to volunteer to play on the other team for the day Mark's hand shot right up. Coach Bukata was amazed, but that is Mark for you. Always willing to help. He ran right over, put on a yellow pinney and played for the yellow team. Side Note: The other day at Target, a guy dropped a $5 bill and Mark got his attention and let him know that he dropped it. The man then gave Mark a $1 for being so kind and honest. Mark was thrilled. So Anyway, back to the game... Mark did pretty good at his game. He played great defense, but he was supposed to be a forward. I know it was the first game and they haven't had practice yet, but it was just funny. Everytime he would kick the ball he would drop back and play defense. He would never run forward with the ball. Just something we will need to work on. Also, he kept slide tackling, which he knows he can't do and when I kept telling him to stay on his feet, he said, "I'm trying." I said obviously not. I know, I know... I need to be a better "soccer mom." :) I'm sure he will have a blast playing this year again and on a bigger field with more room to run. We'll just have to wait and see...

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