Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Mark 1st Day of Kindergarten!

Mark has his 1st Day of Kindergarten Today! He has been SO excited! He really was pumped to ride the bus with the other neighborhood kids too. He set his alarm last night, but clearly didn't need it. He got up at 6:15, took a shower, got dressed and brushed his teeth and was in my room at 6:45am saying he was ready to go. Matt and I were have 2 hours. Luckily we got outside early to take pictures because the bus came 15 minutes early! All of us parents were like, no, that can't be their bus, that has to be the middle school bus, but sure enough, it was theirs! I didn't even have time to cry or get emotional in the slighest. We even forgot to give him his water bottle so we had to drive it over to the school. He was so happy walking in. I can't wait to hear how it all went!

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