Sunday, September 13, 2009


This is how close the boat gets to the bottom of the Falls
Mark and Grandma heading out (Mark didn't look so sure)
Grandpa and Makenna

Makenna and Mommy after getting soaked

Mark after we got back up in front of the Falls

Makenna in front of the Falls
So Much Love!

Since we have been home for a week now, I guess I should try to finish up posts about our vacation that we had a couple weeks ago. On our third day in Canada, we decided to take the kids to Niagara Falls. Matthew didn't go with us last year and neither did my dad. We decided that it would be fun to go on the "Maid of the Mist" which is the boat that takes you right up to the falls. We all put on our blue ponchos and headed out. It was really cool being able to go up almost right to the edge of the falls. We all obviously got completely soaked, but it was a blast! The kids loved seeing it again and I'm sure they will keep talking about it for a long time just like last year!

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