Monday, September 14, 2009

Little Kernal Race

Makenna and Mark showing off their Blue Ribbons!
Mark getting instructions from Daddy before the race
Makenna all ready to go!
Mark at home before the race

Makenna at home before the race

Mark and Makenna ran their first official race this past Saturday at the Annual Valparaiso Popcorn Fest. They both did okay. Mark was a little unsure of course, and was very tired from getting up too early that morning. Makenna we think would have done great, but they had volunteers helping out and one of them grabbed her hand and was just trotting along with her, when really Makenna is fast! We were anxious to see how she would do in a group, but she really never got the chance. Oh well, I guess it's good that she didn't fall and scrap up her knees like most days, but it was still a slight let down. I have videos, but they aren't that great. Here are some pictures of them before and after the race.

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