Friday, September 4, 2009

VACATION - DAY 3 (Mark's 1st Day of School)

Mommy and Mark (This is when we picked him up)
Mark and Daddy
Makenna started crying when we left Mark.
She wanted to go to school with him. We told
her that she can go next year.
Mark and Adison in the classroom
Mark getting ready to go into school
Makenna and Mark at home before we left

Mark had his first day of Pre-K on Wednesday. He was so excited. He ran right in to his classroom. Other kids were hanging on their mom's not wanting them to leave, but not my social son. When I asked him how his first day was when we left, all he said was, "I played in the gym." I asked what he did in the gym and he said, "played with the scooter boards." I asked if he did anything else and all he said was, "played with Adison and Rhede." I couldn't get anything else out of him. Hopefully next week I will be able to find out more!

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