Here are some pictures from one morning when the kids were still in their Jammies. For some reason they wanted me to take their picture. I was glad I got the one of Makenna though, because the Cabbage Patch Kid Pajamas used to be my sister's, then mine, then Madison's, and now Makenna's. I loved seeing how cute she looks in them. What memories. You can definitely tell they are from the 80's. But I love it.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Jammie Time
Here are some pictures from one morning when the kids were still in their Jammies. For some reason they wanted me to take their picture. I was glad I got the one of Makenna though, because the Cabbage Patch Kid Pajamas used to be my sister's, then mine, then Madison's, and now Makenna's. I loved seeing how cute she looks in them. What memories. You can definitely tell they are from the 80's. But I love it.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Face Paint

Monday, August 24, 2009
Packers Game

Matthew and I went up to Green Bay this past weekend for the Pre Season Packers Game. We had a great time! We went out Friday night with a customer of Matthew's Tim, his wife Tammy and some of their friends. Then on Saturday we went Tailgating with Tim and Tammy before the game and then had a great time watching the Packers beat up on the Bills. It was nice to have a weekend to ourselves, but we were excited to get back to the kids last night. Don't worry eveyone....I know I am wearing a Packers shirt, because I support Matt and the Packers, but I am still a TRUE Hearted Steelers Fan!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Mark Soccer Update
Here is Mark practicing before the game. The coach asked him to dribble up a little bit and then shoot the ball into the goal...I think he at least has this part down! If only he could incorporate that into the game! Oh will come eventually I'm sure.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Let's Go Camping!
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The ODD Couple
Mark and Makenna love to raid through the downstairs closet everytime it's opened to find things to play with or put on. This particular day, they put together quite the combination of items! They each wore one boot (hey, at least they were sharing!), then a winter hat, an umbrella, and in Mark's case, a scarf too. They were having the best time. I guess dress up is always a sure way to keep them happy!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Swim Race
Here is a video of Mark and Makenna racing from one side of the pool to the other and back a few times. Mark gets so serious when he is in competition...(I don't know where he gets that from???... okay...both of us...let's be honest...neither one of them have a chance with that) As you can hear Makenna, she is trying to one up him by saying that, "I don't even need goggles." Oh, let the competetion begin!
Swimming Sensation
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Big Girl Now!
(Yes, of course as you can see everything possible in
her room is pink...Her favorite color!)
Saturday, August 15, 2009
War Paint
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Mark's First Soccer Game
Here are some videos of Mark playing his first soccer game yesterday. He did do better than last year, but still not great yet. That's okay though, it was only the first game. I'm sure each week will get better. He did well when the ball came to him, but he didn't really like getting into the crowd to try and get the ball. I think he did pretty good for it being about 91 degrees outside. Makenna on the other hand...not so much. You can hear her whining and crying throughout the 2nd two videos. She was a nightmare. I thought his game started at 12:30 and that I could still get her home a little after 1 for her nap, which would have been one told me that they practice for almost a half hour before the game, so they didn't even start the game until almost 1 O'clock. She was a mess. Mark had fun though and that's all that matters. He says he really likes it so we will see how the rest of the season goes!
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Slip-N-Slide Bump
Mark saw this slip-n-slide at JC Penney one day after his birthday and just had to have it. I told him if he wanted it he could use some of his birthday money to get it so he agreed that that is what he wanted to do. I set it up for him and Makenna yesterday afternoon (b/c we finally had a hot enough day for it) and they had the best time. I was trying to teach him how to run and dive onto his stomach and he started to get it after a while. I just couldn't get enuogh of Makenna. She was cracking me up. Sometimes they just have the most fun together.