Friday, October 24, 2008

Say Cheese!

Bob the Builder with Handy Manny's tools!

Makenna saying "Cheese!"

Mark Cheesing it up!

Makenna coming to see her picture on the camera

Mark found the Bob the Builder costume I had gotten him a while ago and he wanted to put it on. He actually told me he wanted me to take his picture and I said okay, say cheese, so he did. Well, Makenna must have thought this was a good idea at the time because she kept walking up next to him saying, "cheese, cheese." Of course, this is in my house and not when I go get their professional pictures taken! But then Mark always comes up to me and says he wants to see his picture so I show him. Well, then Makenna started doing that too! She has just wanted to do everything like her big brother lately. I don't know if that's such a good thing!

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