Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Soccer Practice or Tantrum

Well, Mark had another soccer practice tonight, however, he barely practiced. I guess he made it about half way through (which is about 15 minutes). Then he walked off of the field and I could barely get him to go back on. Makenna was there too and all she wanted to do was play with all the other kids and kick the ball around. Needless-to-say, I was at my Max Capacity when the 30 longest minutes of my life were over. You can see just how well he felt by the end in the second photo. Matthew had to remind me when I called him on the way home that Mark is ONLY 3 yrs old and just might not be the Soccer Super Star that I antcipated he would be the first time he touched a soccer ball and walked onto a field. I have big fears for his first game this Saturday, but oh well, it is just a game...right? No, I'm just kidding. I'm excited to watch him play even if it is only for a few minutes. Here are a couple videos from when he was actually playing.

A Throw-In and a Daydream

Passing to the Coach and Shooting into the Goal

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