Thursday, September 18, 2008

Happy Birthday Grandpa J!

We went over to Craig and Judy's tonight to celebrate Craig's 53rd Birthday. Mark was all excited to help Grandpa open his presents. (On a side note - a new thing that Mark just started to do was refer to his grandparents by The Far Far Away Grandma and Grandpa and the Grandma and Grandpa that live close by. So he kept telling me today that it was the close by Grandpa's bday today, but that his Far Far Away Grandpa's birthday was coming up soon too.) So back to opening presents...Poor Craig has the wrapped box (that looked like a shoe box) and he hands it to Craig and says, "Here is your present Grandpa, I think it's shoes." Craig says oh really, should I open it then. Mark replies with a whisper, "Yeah, it's slippers." So I guess I won't be able to take Mark shopping with me next time someone has a birthday!!! He's just like his father and Aunt Marci guessing presents!!! No More!

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