Makenna has loved taking care of her baby dolls lately...until she decided that she needed to be in her cradle and not them. She sat in it the other day and kept saying, "rock, rock." She loves to rock. However, she had to make sure that her babies were out of it first. Before that she had found some bandaids and was putting them on her babies trying to take care of them. I first thought she was being a great little mommy, but then when she decided they all needed to abandon ship to make room for her, I realized she just might not be the mommy type yet! (When she was saying, "All Done," it was because she meant her babies were "all done" in the cradle!)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Future Kicker
Pretty Girl/ Handsome Boy
I love Makenna in this blue dress. It makes her eyes look even more blue than they already are. Everyone at Church was oohing and aahhing at her the whole time. She also has a little hat that goes with it and she was keeping it on just fine until everyone started pointing it out and then she wouldn't have any part of it. I think she is just the most beautiful little girl! Everyone also commented on how handsome Mark is. He picked out his tie all by himself and insisted on wearing it. He's quite the little preppy boy!
Monday, September 22, 2008
Superman Strong
We were over at Craig and Judy's last weekend and Judy had put some curlers in makenna's hair. She didn't mind them at all. Whenever one would come out, she would try to put it back in her hair. It was so cute! She does have curly hair at the bottom, but as it's getting longer it's startnig to get straighter. =(
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Learning to Bounce
Here is a video of Mark trying to bounce on one of those bouncy balls. His Grandpa J stepped in and tried to help him after he already wanted to give up. By the end of the lesson he was a pro and even Makenna wanted to bounce with him!
Tractor Ride
Judy got out Matthew's old tractor when Mark was over this past weekend. It's a pedal tractor and Mark actually did a pretty good job pedaling and steering it. He did get stuck a couple times. After he was done with it Makenna was excited to get to sit on it. Of course her feet didn't reach the pedals, but she was just happy to be sitting on it without Mark pushing her off.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Steelers Fan
Here is Mark in the Steeler Jersey that I got him a couple months ago. I decided to put a name and some numbers on the back for him. I think that my family would approve of it! They all have Harrison jerseys and now he can fit in. He loves that he has something like Uncle Ryan, Grandpa H, and Aunt Bethany!
Keys for Fun
Makenna had my keys at Mark's practice and was having a great time throwing them back and forth to me. She would put her hands either on her head or over her mouth when she threw them to me. It was so cute and so funny. She has become quite the little ham. I'm just glad this week she wasn't trying to run onto the field!
Soccer Practice
Mark is still doing okay at soccer practice. He still needs to learn to not touch the ball with his hands. He ran into another little boy at practice this week and then later he fell over and got kicked in the face. It was a rough day. Hopefully his game tomorrow goes better!
Happy Birthday Grandpa J!
We went over to Craig and Judy's tonight to celebrate Craig's 53rd Birthday. Mark was all excited to help Grandpa open his presents. (On a side note - a new thing that Mark just started to do was refer to his grandparents by The Far Far Away Grandma and Grandpa and the Grandma and Grandpa that live close by. So he kept telling me today that it was the close by Grandpa's bday today, but that his Far Far Away Grandpa's birthday was coming up soon too.) So back to opening presents...Poor Craig has the wrapped box (that looked like a shoe box) and he hands it to Craig and says, "Here is your present Grandpa, I think it's shoes." Craig says oh really, should I open it then. Mark replies with a whisper, "Yeah, it's slippers." So I guess I won't be able to take Mark shopping with me next time someone has a birthday!!! He's just like his father and Aunt Marci guessing presents!!! No More!
Here are some pictures of Mark and Makenna from the other day when we were outside in the driveway waiting for Jill to bring over Adison and Caden. It has been beautiful outside lately and we are trying to take advantage of every moment. Also, here is a video of Makenna trying to jump. (Mark was yelling in the backround b/c he saw Adison coming.)
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Fun at Miss Jill's

When I was in the hospital last week my good friend Jill, who I work with and lives in my neighborhood, took care of Mark and Makenna for me while Craig and Judy were at work. She has no idea just how much Matthew and I greatly appreciated this. I hated for her to have to take care of two 3 yr olds and two babies, but she did a great job. I'm sure she was exhausted at the end of the day. Mark and Adison play great together and I guess Makenna was all about Caden. Hopefully I won't have to dump the kids on her anytime soon as I am hoping to stay out of the hospital as much as possible!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Makenna's After-bath
Makenna's Aftermath
The Flood of NW Indiana
Well, as most of you have had as well, we were hit by Ike and got a ton of rain dumped on us over this past weekend. Now, instead of a retention grassy area, we have a retention pond in the backyard. Matthew told Mark he would take him out there, but when Makenna saw them, she insisted on going as well. Mark found a rock, then Matthew found an even bigger one, which he was very proud of. It was all going great until Matthew slipped on some mud and decided Makenna could hit the ground, but Mark couldn't fall into the pond. I have to tell you, this was the funniest thing I have seen in a long time! I couldn't stop laughing and everytime I watch this video I bust out laughing again. No, it's not funny that Makenna fell, but it is hilarious that Matthew did!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Here are a couple videos of Makenna from this morning playing with Mark's soccer ball and his bouncy ball. He spent the night at Craig and Judy's which gave her free reign to play with all of his stuff. I'm pretty sure she was loving it. You can even see in the secod video she did a little dance!
I love my purse - part 2
Here is Makenna again today carrying around her purse. She was all ready to go to Church. In some of the pictures you can really see how long her hair is getting and how much curl she's getting in the back. It's the cutest thing. I always said if I couldn't have my red-headed daughter I would want one with blonde curls and she definitely has that! I just look at her everyday and think how beautiful she is.
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