Friday, July 18, 2008


It has been so hot all week so we have pretty much stayed inside and tried to relax after our busy week last week, so today when it wasn't so bad outside, I decided to take Mark and Makenna out in their suits and let them play in some water. I originally was going to fill up the pool, but it was so dirty I decided I would just go get another one. However, I flipped in upside down and had the hose on it (trying to clean it) and with the little air I put into it, it filled up! So Mark and Makenna not only played with the water table, they also got to play in the pool-Reversed. Mark kept filling up a watering can and Makenna didn't take long to watch and learn and was quickly able to walk over to the pool and fill it up herself. (She still amazes me) They had a great time playing with their watering cans and it really lasted for quite some time! Who knew! Also, notice Mark dancing and singing in the 2nd video. Don't ask because I don't know!

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