Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Party Like A Rockstar!

Mark turned 3 yesterday so we celebrated his birthday with a Rockstar Birthday Party on Saturday. He had a great time seeing family and playing with friends. His favorite present was the Drumset he got from his Grandma and Grandpa J, which I will also post a video of him playing. He actually does very well! The kids also enjoyed playing on the swingset that my parents got Mark for his Birthday as well. He had two guitar cakes. One was a cupcake cake that I got from WalMart and the other was one that my Mother-in-law, Judy, made for him. It was unbelievable how awesome that cake was. Mark loved it and wanted to dig in as soon as he saw it. Overall it was a great day and was mostly a blur to me. All that matters is that he had a great time!

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