Thursday, July 31, 2008
Puppy Love
Rock Legend
Mark 3 year old Check Up

Monday, July 28, 2008
Bike Game
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Waterslide Fun
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Rock Climber
Friday, July 18, 2008
The Look!
Kiss and Make-Up
Matthew was mowing and asked if I could move the little kids chair out of the yard. (Backround: this is technically Mark's chair, but Makenna LOVES to sit in it). So as soon as I put the chair on the deck Mark ran over jumped down to sit in the chair and said, "Ha! Ha! Ha! I got to it first!" Makenna didn't know what to do with herself. So first she hit him on the head! She then tried to sit down with him and I let her sit on his lap, but that didn't last long. She was NOT happy. So I told them to be sweet to each other, and in Makenna's world the word Sweet means Kiss. So she leaned over to kiss him. It was so adorable! I still don't think she forgave him, but for the moment it was cute.
Sword Fight
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Battle of the Bands
Here is a video from after Mark's party when he was playing the Drums and he had my Dad play his guitar. He let my dad know that he had to sing and then as you can see at the end, they had a little battle between the two of them. It was kind of like, "No, I'm going to play the last note," "No I'm going to play the last note" kind of thing. It was super funny!
Family Rock Band
The Johnson/Jesse/Horvath Families were all set to start their own Rock Band at Mark's party this past weekend. They thought Bethany was taking their picture and meanwhile she was actually taking a video. They were all shocked when they learned the truth. I wish I hadn't ruined it by talking through most of it. Enjoy their own little Family Rock Band. I think they should start a tour!
Professional Drummer
This was the first time Mark ever played the Drums that Craig and Judy got him for his birthday. As you can see Judy is still trying to get the wrap it came in away from the drums. I think he did an amazing job for his first time. He loves to play and keeps asking to play everyday.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
My Big Brother Rocks!
A Hole In One Birthday!
Matthew and I decided to take Mark to play Mini-Golf yesterday on his birthday. He did really good until about the 16th or 17th hole when he started to lose his attention span. He even got a Hole in One! He was too funny. He would hit the ball and then say, "Get in the hole! Get in there!" or "In the hole, In the hole." It was adorable. He was even making it harder for Matthew by acting like a Hockey Goalie in front of the hole at times. (And he hasn't even ever seen Caddyshack!) Matthew and I just can't believe he is already 3. Time flies, so we are just trying to enjoy every moment we can with him.
Party Like A Rockstar!
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Brookfield Zoo
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wave Jumpers
Beach Beauties
Bethany and I took Mark, Madison, and Makenna to West Beach this morning and they had a GREAT time. Before Bethany and I could even get our stuff put down Mark and Madison were running to the water. They both had a blast jumping in the water and running after each other. Makenna was a little unsure at first, but eventually warmed up to playing in the sand. She wasn't too thrilled with being in the water. Her favorite parts were probably watching the birds, helping Madison fill her bucket, and then watching other people throw the football. It was so much fun just watching the three of them!
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Here is a video of Mark climbing across these swinging pods at a park we took the kids to in Portage. I couldn't believe how well he did!