Mark and Makenna have both been in Choir this year for Church. When we signed Mark up at the beginning of the year, Makenna of course didn't want to be left out and asked the Choir teacher if she could be in it too. She said next year at first, and then told Makenna if she could be good and listen that she would let her be in it. Makenna is extremely well behaved in there so she has been able to stay in it the whole time so far. Well, for the past few weeks they have been advertising the Christmas Program, "Christmas From Scratch." Mark and Makenna have been pumped for their Choir performance, so Makenna asked me to make her fancy on Sunday, which I did. She looked beautiful, and when I told her that she said, "I know Mom. Everyone at Church is going to say I look Gorgeous." You can't call her modest. :) Anyway, they went to Sunday School, then to Choir Practice, so Matt and I had our seats all ready in Church so I could hopefully take some videos, when all of a sudden, the person in charge of Sunday School brings Makenna to me and says, "This program is for students grades K-5th, so she can't be in it. I was in shock. Of course, Makenna starts crying. I had to take her out of church because the service had started and it was a huge distraction. So I just decided I was going to leave, so I grabbed our coats and headed out. I was in the Library trying to calm down my hysterical little girl, when the Choir Teacher walked by. I told her she was upset because she thought since she was in choir she would be in the performance. She said to her, "Makenna, how about you be my helper today. Can you do that?" Makenna shook her head yes and they went to get her a choir robe. Thank goodness for her. So after the show started and the choir walked in, all they were doing was sitting in chairs on the right of the stage. You are telling me it was really a big deal that Makenna sit there with the other choir kids? No, it wasn't. I could not believe that they had done that to her. I am just glad that it all worked out in the end. I would have had one sad girl all day. However, Mark and Makenna were in the front row and it was very hard for me to get video of the songs, but even when I managed to, they looked so tired and distracted, they barely sang. Oh well. There's always next time. Enjoy!
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