Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mark's 1st T-Ball Game

Getting Ready to start the game
Oh Mom, not another picture!

In Ready Position

Fielding the ball! He then threw it to 1st base!

About to hit the ball

Running Home

Here are some pictures and video of Mark's first T-Ball Game from last Saturday. He did really well and really enjoys it. It was SO HOT that day, but we all survived it. It was so funny watching all of the kids play. One of the little girls on the other team that was on base at the time fielded a ball hit to her. :) It's definitely a learning experience for them, and certainly very amusing and entertaining for us!

1st time up to bat, 1st hit of the season!

This was hilarious! He didn't know where to run after 1st base. Then since the boy who hits after him was the last batter, they all just continue running around the bases until they get home. At the end it became a race with his own teammate!

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