Saturday, June 25, 2011

Makenna Soccer

Makenna had soccer camp last week through the Valparaiso Parks Dept. I had such high hopes for it and she was really excited to play. She did a great job for what it was but it wasn't as great as I would have hoped. I know that I have to realize that we are dealing with 3-5 year olds, but I at least thought they would be running around getting some exercise. However, they gave them about 10 water breaks and sat down a lot. It was a 4 days, 45 minutes each day and they probably actually played for 15 of the 45 minutes, if that. It was crazy. Next year I will know not to sign her up. Although it wasn't the greatest experience for me, she really enjoyed it so that is all that matters. We already signed both Mark and Makenna up for Back to School soccer which starts in August so she is really happy to start that. We shall see!

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