Thursday, June 30, 2011

Crazy Hair Day

Her not crazy enough hair
I put a ton of clips in her hair after twisting and tying it, still not good enough!

So Cute!

Green Mohawk Guy

Now she's happy!

She loves her new green crazy hair!

They look like characters from a Dr. Seuss book!

This week Mark and Makenna have been going to Vacation Bible School at our Church. Well, they absolutely love it, however, I am not too excited about the hours this year. It is Mon-Fri from 5:30-8:30pm. We also get there at 5 pm for dinner. So we leave the house at 4:45pm and we get home at 8:45pm, and by the time they get to bed it's at least 9. It has made for a SUPER long week. Makenna has been really crabby even during the day and is crying every night when we get home. Anyway, each day has a theme and today was Crazy Hair Day. I spent a half hour doing Makenna's hair and afterwards she said, it's not crazy enough, so I had to do it over. Leave it to Makenna. Mark wanted a Mohawk (or as he called it a Mohog). :) I went and picked them up at 8pm tonight so I could get them home and showered and to bed, still by 9. I am looking forward to this weekend, although being 4th of July weekend we may not get back on schedule right away. Enjoy my crazy kids hair!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Police Ride

Mark and Makenna in the back of the squad car

Matt's Uncle Mike's Mom passed away last week. We all went to the funeral in Michigan City to pay our respects. Uncle Mike's Nephew is a Michigan City Police Officer and was kind enough to let Mark and Makenna ride in his car to the Cemetery. He also let each one of them turn on the lights on the car, and had a fellow officer give them tattoos, slap bracelets, stickers, and necklace dog tags. They were thrilled. I had to explain how usually they won't get presents at a funeral so not to expect that in the future. Mark replied to that, "Well, we did this time." Of course, he has an answer for everything.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Makenna Soccer

Makenna had soccer camp last week through the Valparaiso Parks Dept. I had such high hopes for it and she was really excited to play. She did a great job for what it was but it wasn't as great as I would have hoped. I know that I have to realize that we are dealing with 3-5 year olds, but I at least thought they would be running around getting some exercise. However, they gave them about 10 water breaks and sat down a lot. It was a 4 days, 45 minutes each day and they probably actually played for 15 of the 45 minutes, if that. It was crazy. Next year I will know not to sign her up. Although it wasn't the greatest experience for me, she really enjoyed it so that is all that matters. We already signed both Mark and Makenna up for Back to School soccer which starts in August so she is really happy to start that. We shall see!

Friday, June 24, 2011

More Mark T-Ball

Running Home

So Proud on 1st Base

Mark has been doing really well with his T-Ball. He obviously loves to bat, but can lose interest in the field.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Makenna had a great time at Mark's T-ball game blowing bubbles. Her hair was curly this day because I had braided it after she got out of the shower the day before. She loves having curly hair!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Stylish Guy

I just thought Mark looked so cute and stylish in this outfit! He can be the sweetest boy sometimes, but he has been All-Boy lately. He has been wrestling with Makenna constantly and she will wrestle back, but then one of them always ends up hurt. He also is still all about his swords and fighting. Everytime someone else watches them, they comment on how well behaved they are and how nice they play together. I then ask, "Are you sure we're talking about the same kids?" They definitely have their moments, and sometimes their days!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Breakfast at Judy's

Superman Strong!
It's a Bird...It's a Plane...It's Superman!

Makenna playing with AnnaRose and Alessandra

The day after the Retirement party we all gathered at Matt's Mom and Dad's house for breakfast. We had a feast fit for Royalty and then the kids all played. Makenna loved playing with Courtney and Terry's daughter, AnnaRose, and her best friend Sandra's daughter, Alessandra. They are only about a week apart and they are just so cute. Then Courtney and Makenna were playing hide and seek with the lego's. It was a great morning to follow a great evening!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Happy Retirement Uncle Jeff!

A Surprised Uncle Jeff!

Matt, Judy, and Marci

Me and Matthew

AnnaRose...So Cute!

One of the Races

Last Saturday, after Mark's T-Ball game and then after going to a Bridal Shower, we had Matt's Uncle Jeff's Surprise Retirement Party at the Balmoral Race Track in IL. He was Very Surprised, which is always fun! We had a great time seeing family and spending time with everyone, especially the ones we don't get to see very often. We placed some bets, but Matt chose our favorite numbers instead of who was chosen to win, so we didn't win, but that' okay. It was a super fun night!

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Keeping Cool

Picking flowers (weeds)
So Cool!

So Cute

So Silly

Makenna and I were scorching watching Mark's T-ball game. She forgot her sunglasses so she decided to wear mine for a little while. I also hadn't pulled her hair up so I braided it and then pulled it up with a clip that she luckily already had in her hair. We drank about 3 bottles of water, but then ran out. This weekend's game should be cooler, but hopefully it doesn't thunderstorm like they are calling for as of now. Enjoy my "cool" girl!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Mark's 1st T-Ball Game

Getting Ready to start the game
Oh Mom, not another picture!

In Ready Position

Fielding the ball! He then threw it to 1st base!

About to hit the ball

Running Home

Here are some pictures and video of Mark's first T-Ball Game from last Saturday. He did really well and really enjoys it. It was SO HOT that day, but we all survived it. It was so funny watching all of the kids play. One of the little girls on the other team that was on base at the time fielded a ball hit to her. :) It's definitely a learning experience for them, and certainly very amusing and entertaining for us!

1st time up to bat, 1st hit of the season!

This was hilarious! He didn't know where to run after 1st base. Then since the boy who hits after him was the last batter, they all just continue running around the bases until they get home. At the end it became a race with his own teammate!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Adison's Birthday

Adison and Mark

Adison and Mark enjoying birthday cake


Having a Blast!

My good friend Jill's daughter Adison turned 6 in April but they just had her birthday party a couple weeks ago. Mark and Makenna had a great time playing with Adison and Caden and all of the other kids at the party. Here are some pictures of them together.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Swinging By Myself

We all know how independent Makenna is and this day was no exception. She has already taught herself how to pump her legs on the swingset so that she can swing all by herself. She loves to swing and her only complaint with doing it herself is that she says that she can't swing as high on her own. I think she does just fine. Anyway, the kids have been having a great time playing outside since the weather has gotten nice.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Big Red Ball

Our next door neighbors got us this big red ball for Christmas. We had forgotten all about it until recently. (I think their original intention was to get one of us to use it while drinking at one of our weekly bonfires, but we decided it would be better for the kids) Here is a video of Matt trying to push Makenna in the Ball. It didn't roll as well as we thought it would so after Matt tried to push her in it, he then tried to get her to run forward in it like a hamster wheel. It was funny, but they enjoyed it.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Swimming Stars

Here are some videos of Mark and Makenna swimming from this past week. They have done an amazing job so far. I can't wait to see how much better they have gotten by the end of the summer because they have already improved in one week! Makenna is just a little fish!

She stayed under a little too long I think... water in the nose...