Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Snow Day

Well, as I'm sure everyone has heard or been a part of, we have had a Huge Blizzard blow across this part of the country. They let out school early yesterday and closed schools for today and tomorrow already. Luckily my work closed today too, but we are open for tomorrow so it looks like I will be heading into the snow tomorrow. Matt and I shoveled multiple times today and it seemed every time he would finish snow blowing the driveway there would already be at least 2 more inches on the ground. It was insane. At some parts you couldn't even tell I shoveled. When it started to die down a little we decided to take the kids outside to play. They were having a great time throwing snow and jumping into the big snow piles. They even played on the swingset and loved going down the slide. It was up to my knees in the backyard, but luckily the kids were too lightweight to reach the ground or else it would have been up to their waist probably! Our neighbor across the street Emily came out to play with them. Matt for some reason thought it would be a good idea to jump off of the mailbox into the big snow piles. I think he thought they would sink in but again they were too light. But they had a great time!

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