No, there wasn't a set crazy hair day at school or anything, but one look at Makenna's hair and you would think so. Her hair gets so out of control sometimes. I have to wash it daily or else it gets full of knots and tangles. Some days I'm ready to shave her head! Although, she is one adorable tangled mess!
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Muscle Man
I was downstairs getting lunch ready for the kids when I looked over I saw that Mark had carried one of his chairs downstairs from his table in his room. He was lying on the floor bench pressing it. I said Mark what are you doing? He said, "I'm exercising. I want to get big muscles like Dad." It was too funny. I swear, I tell Matthew sometimes that I think we have scarred our children with our diet and exercise. They wanted to hand out valentine's with lolipops and each time they went to write one out they would ask if they were on a diet.
As you can see, after Mark was exercising, Makenna wanted a piece of the spotlight and started dancing around. She loves to sing and dance!
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Ballet Class
I was at work on Monday and saw that there was a ballet class starting today for kids ages 4-7. Because Jill is in charge of programs she said it was no problem that I could put Makenna in the class seeing as how she will be 4 in a few months. She was so excited when I told her about it on Monday and she couldn't wait for today. She looked so beautiful in her little tutu. We're not allowed to take any pictures or video at work so I tried my best to get some at home. She actually did really well in class, but as soon as we got home and I asked her to show me what she learned she did some crazy stuff of course. Oh well, that's Makenna for you. At least she did well in class and listened to Miss Elizabeth. That's all that really matters anyway.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
A Walk with Friends
We took Wyatt on his first walk while we were out in Washington. Jenn and Jeff live by a trail that has the most beautiful scenery. We took an hour long walk and it was quite a workout! It was about 50 degrees outside and it was just so nice to get some fresh air. Wyatt did great too and slept the whole time. It was a nice day.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Baby Wyatt
Matthew and I flew into Portland, OR last Thursday to visit my friend Jenn and her new baby boy, Wyatt. He was exactly one month old when we arrived. Jenn and her husband Jeff live right across the Washington border from Oregon in Camas, Washington. It was so good to see both of them and baby Wyatt. I couldn't help but hold him the whole time. He is such a good baby and so sweet. I miss them already. I have never been that far out West and it was just so beautiful. I took so many pictures just of scenery because I just loved it so much. It was such a great trip!
Happy Valentine's Day
Happy (Day Late) Valentine's Day Everyone! Sorry this is late, but we were gone all weekend and didn't get home until late Sunday night and then I worked all day yesterday. Hope you all had a GREAT day. Mark and Makenna had a wonderful time at their Valentine's Parties at school and loved looking at all the valentine's they got. They especially loved the one's with candy of course. :)
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Steelers Fan
I took these pictures of Makenna the other day and even though the Steelers lost, I just thought they were the cutest pictures ever. When the light hits Makenna's eyes just right, her eyes are so blue that she is just so beautiful. I made the mistake of telling her how beautiful she was when I was taking the pictures and she started posing for more pictures. She is such a Ham. She just eats that stuff up. I also told her I wanted to take her picture and she said, "Okay, let's go downstairs in front of the fireplace." I said, no, it's okay, just stand right here in your room, and she said, no mom, we take pictures downstairs in front of the fireplace. I think I have officially scarred my children! But they are some pretty good pictures!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Angry Packers Fan
"My mom may be a Steelers Fan,
But at least she can spell "wear."
And even though I am a Steelers Fan, I laughed My Butt off when I saw Matt did this!
Also, Mark asked me when I put the shirt on him,
"Mom, why do I have to wear this...I'm a Packers Fan." I responded with the thing I never thought I would say, "Because I Said So."
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Snow Day
Well, as I'm sure everyone has heard or been a part of, we have had a Huge Blizzard blow across this part of the country. They let out school early yesterday and closed schools for today and tomorrow already. Luckily my work closed today too, but we are open for tomorrow so it looks like I will be heading into the snow tomorrow. Matt and I shoveled multiple times today and it seemed every time he would finish snow blowing the driveway there would already be at least 2 more inches on the ground. It was insane. At some parts you couldn't even tell I shoveled. When it started to die down a little we decided to take the kids outside to play. They were having a great time throwing snow and jumping into the big snow piles. They even played on the swingset and loved going down the slide. It was up to my knees in the backyard, but luckily the kids were too lightweight to reach the ground or else it would have been up to their waist probably! Our neighbor across the street Emily came out to play with them. Matt for some reason thought it would be a good idea to jump off of the mailbox into the big snow piles. I think he thought they would sink in but again they were too light. But they had a great time!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
Black and Blue
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