MARK IS 5 TODAY! I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE IT! We are so impressed by him everyday. He is such the little man. He actually tries to be a father to Makenna and tell her what to do, but otherwise he is really good. He loves to play sports. Right now baseball and tennis are his favorites, but he does loves to play soccer and hockey too. He loves to swim right now. He can hold his breath under water for 17 seconds now! He dives for rings and dive sticks all the time and swims from one side of the pool to the other. He has gotten really good. He is still my sweet boy most of the time and loves to cuddle with Matt and I. He is getting so creative and watching him and Makenna play is so funny with all the stories and situations that they come up with. He also still loves playing with his knights, but has also developed a love for batman and superheros. He is really excited to start a new school this fall which is at a Luteran Church and he calls it the castle. We just can't believe how fast these years have flown by!
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