Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Matt's Birthday!

Mark feeding Daddy his cake
Makenna feeding Daddy cake and showing him how to open up!
After she took a bite of cake...mmm..yummy! All for Me...not you!
Helping Daddy open cards
Daddy trying to get out of Mark what's in the box...Mark saying, "I don't know!"

Makenna opening Daddy's new pair of running shoes

Matthew turned 29 today. He had a very busy day, but we were all happy that we all got to spend the evening together. I had to work late, so Matt made dinner and we all ate together as a family when I got home. I picked up Matt a Birthday Cake from Coldstone Creamery that had brownie batter ice cream with oreos...his favorite. He and the kids really enjoyed eating it together and feeding each other. Then Matt let Mark and Makenna help him open his cards and presents. They had a great time with that. Then we all watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer together. It was a great night!

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