We went out to PA a couple of weeks ago to spend Christmas with my family. We had such a great time and the kids had a blast. They just love playing with their cousins Madison and Bryce and all of their Aunts and Uncles. Here are a couple pictures, but a video that is just too funny. (Yes, we were all dressed in Steelers because we had the fortunate opportunity to all go to the Steelers/Packers game that day and watch the Steelers pull out an AMAZING Win!)
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Christmas in PA
Christmas Tree Lights
Here are some pictures of Mark and Makenna from earlier this month when they were putting the lights in a ceramic Christmas Tree that I got from my Grandma. This was always one of my favorite things to do at Christmas time. They both loved doing it as well. I hope this starts a tradition with them that is as important as it was to me.
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
The Ring Bearer and The Flower Girl
Flower Girl Take 2
Makenna was a flower girl again this past weekend in our friend Erin's wedding. This time Mark was the ring bearer and he loved it. They did so great and we couldn't have asked for anything better. We were a little nervous because when Judy put her dress on her to get her ready she started screaming that she wasn't going to wear the dress. Then she didn't even want her to do her hair. Judy did a great job convincing her and she finally agreed, but wasn't happy about it. As soon as we got her to the church she was okay. I think she just needed a little distraction from the dress. Her and Mark did great walking down the isle. I have the video of Makenna and Mark walking down the isle, but again stopped the video too soon. I thought that when I shut off the video that Makenna and Mark would sit down next to me...but little did I know that Makenna wouldn't stop until every single flower petal was thrown out of her basket. And heaven forbid one of the petals fell off of the runner. If it did, she would pick it up and throw it back down again until it was on the runner. So there ended up being a few flower petals down the isle and then one big pile. The other problem was Erin and her dad had already started down the isle when she was doing that so they had to walk by her as she was still throwing flower petals down! Overall though, I think they both did great!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Mark Artwork
Mark came home from school today with a Gingerbread Cookie that he made. I thought he did a really good job with it! He was excited to eat it, but I talked him into waiting so Matt could see it when he gets home from work. Also, during naptime he asked to color a Zombie picture. He has been all about Zombie's for some reason since Halloween. I think his coloring is getting much better and he is staying in the lines alot more.
Christmas Tree Posing
I asked Makenna yesterday if I could take her picture b/c she looked so pretty and she said, "Sure!" So I told her to stand in front of the tree and she did all these poses and then running over to the camera asking to see it. Do you think I take her picture ever or what??? Then she insisted on going upstairs to take one in front of her tree. And if you notice the blinds are open so you can see out the window b/c when I tried to put the blind down she said, "No, then you won't be able to see the snow outside." OKAY. Wow, she really knows what she wants.
So, here is the story of how she got into that outfit:
I picked out the shirt and this is how the rest went:
Makenna: No, I don't want that shirt, I want the green one with the Christmas Tree
Me: But Makenna, this on is pink, your favorite color and see it has a pretty pink heart button at the top
Makenna: Fine, I'll wear that one with the button I guess.
Me: Okay, which pair of jeans do you want, the ones with the pink heart or the plain ones?
Makenna: I'm not wearing jeans, I'm wearing these pink sweatpants (pulls them out of her drawer)
Me: No, Makenna, those don't match, how about one of these nice pair of jeans?
Makenna: NO. Then I will wear these pink leggins.
Me: Just pick a pair of jeans Makenna.
Makenna: NO! I am wearing the PINK LEGGINS!
Me: Fine then you can wear a skirt over them so you won't be cold.
(Lots of fighting went on after that and rolling around on her floor getting her skirt on, but we made it through b/c I offered her the boots to wear. It was a LONG 5 Minutes!
Duneland Christmas Party
We had my Work Christmas Party this past Saturday. Mark and Makenna had a great time playing with Jill's kids, Adison and Caden. They all got to sit on Santa's lap and tell him what they wanted for Christmas. Mark said he wanted a car for Christmas and Makenna told Santa she wants a baby doll. It was a great time spent with great friends!
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Makenna's Christmas Tree
Here are some pictures of Makenna decorating her Christmas Tree. Of course, it is pink so it matches here room. Her Grandma J found it last year for her and she was excited to put it up. At first she would only put on the pink ornaments but then we talked her into some purple ones too. She was also happy to be able to put the princess angel on the top of the tree (with a little help from standing on a stool.)
Mark's Christmas Tree
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Matt's Birthday!
Matthew turned 29 today. He had a very busy day, but we were all happy that we all got to spend the evening together. I had to work late, so Matt made dinner and we all ate together as a family when I got home. I picked up Matt a Birthday Cake from Coldstone Creamery that had brownie batter ice cream with oreos...his favorite. He and the kids really enjoyed eating it together and feeding each other. Then Matt let Mark and Makenna help him open his cards and presents. They had a great time with that. Then we all watched Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer together. It was a great night!
Makenna at 2 1/2
Makenna turned 2 1/2 on Thanksgiving Day. She has become quite the little spitfire character lately. She is full of energy, attitude, stubborness, sweetness, independence, and beauty. I think that pretty much sums it up! Everyone is amazed by her. Every time I pick her up from daycare or drop her off they have something else to say about her..."Wow, is she independent" or "She speaks so grown up all the time." She is 2 1/2 going on 4 1/2 because she wants to do everything that Mark does. If he can do it, so can she in her mind, and most of it she does. The one thing though that I think we get the most complements on are her "Beautiful Blue Eyes." Wherever we go, someone comments on them. And I would have to agree. Even though we butt heads most days now, she is still my little angel, princess, and baby doll. I love her more and more everyday!
Here is a little Makenna story for you from last night:
I came home from Bunco at around 10pm. Matt was sound asleep, but I heard talking coming from Mark's room. I thought to myself, Is he talking in his sleep or is he awake? I proceeded to open the door and there sat Makenna on his floor playing with his piggy bank. I looked down and she had taken all of the ornaments off of his tree as well. I said, "What are you doing!" To which she proceeded to break out the Crocodile tears and start screaming crying. Meanwhile, Mark is still fast asleep in his bed. It took me a little while to calm her down, but I eventually got her to sleep around 10:30 or so. Later this morning when I questioned Matthew about it. He said, "Oh, she came in our room at 9:15pm (where he was sleeping) and started tapping him on the nose. When he opened his eyes she was right in front of his face. He said, "What are you doing Makenna?" To which she answered, "I'm cold and I need you to put this on me." (She held up one of Mark's sweatshirts). He asked, "Isn't that Mark's?" And she responded, "Yeah, so can you put it on me, I'm cold." He said, "No Makenna go back to bed." So she walked out and he said he heard her shut her door. I then told him that no, she wasn't shutting her door, but Mark's door. So she must have kept playing in their for the next 45 minutes until I got home! We couldn't believe it!
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