Sunday, June 28, 2009

Race Weekend

This past weekend my Work (Duneland Health and Wellness Institute) had our Annual Member Appreciation week which concludes with a family cookout on Friday, which we added a Kid's Run to, and our 5K Run on Saturday Morning. Matthew and I took Mark and Makenna to the cookout and run on Friday night and we both ran the 5K on Saturday morning. The kids had a great time at the run. Mark, Adison, Madelin, and Molly (friends of ours) ran together and Makenna and Caden ran together. It was a really fun night. The next morning Matt tried to push me to run faster during the 5K, but I was just exhausted from the whole week I think and it was VERY Hot and Humid outside. We ran our first mile in 7:08, but then after that I couldn't keep up with Matt. My second mile time was 15:30, third mile was 23:50, and I finished in 24:47. Matt finished in 23:00. I got 4th in my age group and Matt got 5th. I'm sure he would've done better if it wasn't for trying to help me. Better luck next time I guess.

As you can see, Makenna pulled away from Jill to run faster and finished first!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I know...I know...

Check her out! She's got Trouble Written all over her!
Sweet Side

Too Cute Close Up
I love her Smile
She's definitely up to something here...

Check out those Baby Blues...She is just Beautiful!
Also, one of the only times I think she looks like a Harrison...
Maybe it's the dirt on her nose that looks like freckles!
I has now been over a week since I have posted and I'm sorry Dad, Mom, Judy, Bethany, Aunt Cebra, and anyone else who checks in regularly. I took a lot of pictures on my Sony Camera this past weekend when I was in Indy for my college roommate Karrie's Bachlorette Party and I cannot for the life of me find the cord to take the pictures off of my camera. I will get some new things posted as soon as possible. I am working almost 50 hrs this week and 40 next so please be patient with me....

Here are some pictures of Makenna playing outside from a few weeks ago...Enjoy...

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Pool Jumpers

Here is a video of Mark and Makenna running and jumping into the little blow up pool we had out in our backyard. We have since taken it away, because as you might have noticed it was losing air. They had a great time though!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

An Anniversary Wedding

Matt and I went to a wedding for our friend Analisa on Saturday, which was our anniversary as well. We had such a great time! It was fun to spend it with friends and family. The night before we were going out to celebrate so we went to a movie, then our soccer game, then out to a late dinner. It was a great night except for when I got smashed in the face with a soccer ball and thought I broke my nose. I had blood all over my shirt. Of course in typical Ashlee fashion, I was not crying, I was mad. For anyone that knows me and soccer when I get mad, Watch out!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Running Jumping Splashing

Mark and Makenna decided to run and jump into their pool the other day when they were just in their clothes. They were getting pretty high in the air. Makenna was hurdling it at first and I couldn't get it on video because then she started just jumping with her legs straight out and landing on her butt. It was hilarious. They had a great time though and that is all that matters.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Makenna at 2!

I took Makenna took her 2 yr old check-up last week and she did great. She is 27 lbs which is in the 60th percentile and is 34 inches which is also in the 60th percentile. He was very impressed with how independent she is and was amazed that she can climb in the car, get into her car seat, and then buckle herself.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Kemil Beach

Collecting Rocks to throw
Climbing the Rocks

Love that Smile!
Getting Ready to throw the rocks
Finally enjoying the Beach

Standing Tall Before Jumping off

Best Buddies

Jill and I took the kids to Kemil Beach in Beverly Shores, IN last Friday. They had a great time throwing rocks and digging in the sand. It took Makenna a while to warm up to it and let me put her down because there was a tractor there that was digging in the sand and dumping it onto the rocks that were near us. She just kept saying over and over again, "I'm Scared. I'm scared." I would reassure her that there was no reason to be scared of the tractors, but it still took her about 20 minutes. Just the complete Polar Opposite of Mark's love for tractors. Jill thought maybe it was because Mark has run her over so many times with his tractor....hmmm...I think she's on to something!

Monday, June 8, 2009


Tractor/Car Parking
Mark Bouncing
Makenna Bouncing

Going down the slide

My parent's got Makenna a bounce house for her birthday and the kids have been having a great time with it! Here are some pictures of Mark and Makenna bouncing!

Some more Slip and Slide Fun!

Here is Mark going down the Slip and Slide on the raft. He finally started to get the hang of it!

On another note: Mark has started to get more freckles on his legs and even a couple on his arms and face. When he pointed them out to me the other day and asked what they were I told him they were freckles, just like Mommy has. So later on that day he says to me, "Mommy, how did you get all of your Frankles?" I couldn't help but laugh. When I told Marci and Rob they said, well, at least he didn't say Cankles. I guess I should be thankful!!! =)

It's a Race!

Here is a video of the three kids going down the slip and slide. Bethany had to give them a little help because the kids still haven't grasped the run and jump concept quite yet.

Triple Slip and Slide

Madison's Aunt and Uncle got her a Triple Slip and Slide for her birthday so she was nice enough to bring it to our house so that all three kids could enjoy it and have some racing fun! Madison wasn't feeling all that great, but Mark and Makenna had an absolute blast! We were so thankful that they let us use it!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Tea Time

Opening her Tea Cart
Mark helping Grandpa put it together
Mark and Makenna enjoying some Tea

Makenna serving Mommy some Tea

Bethany got Makenna a Tea Cart for her birthday last weekend and she absolutely loves it! She pushes it around all the time serving tea. I had Bunco here the other night and she couldn't possibly go to bed before serving my guests some tea. When I came down from putting Mark to bed everyone had their little cups. I just had to laugh. She will definitely be an entertainer!

Pony Pinata

Here are some pictures of the kids hitting the Pinata. I took Matt hitting it a lot at the end to finally bust it open!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Family Time!

Mommy, Daddy, and Makenna
Daddy helped Makenna open all of her gifts

Mark in his Pony Hat
Makenna with Aunt Myrna

Here is Makenna enjoying some family time at her party!

My Little Pony Party

The Birthday Girl!

Her Pony Cake
Blowing out the candle

Makenna had a great time this past weekend at her My Little Pony Party. We were so lucky to have so many family and friends with us to celebrate. Thanks again to everyone for everything!