Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas Morning

Makenna putting on her lipstick

"Hold on I have another call"

Mark putting out the fire

Mark was all excited Christmas morning. After reminding him of what day it was, he was pumped to run downstairs. We unfortunately had to wake up Makenna b/c she wasn't awake yet and we wanted both of them to go down together. Mark was ecstatic about his fireman hose and fireman mask, but wondered where his firetruck was. Every present he opened he said, "Maybe this is my fire truck." (But it wasn't. My mom had bought him one so we didn't and he only gave us 2 days notice on that one!) But both Mark and Makenna had a great time opening thier gifts. Makenna ran up to her baby and said, "Baby, Mine!" When Matt asked her who brought her that baby doll, she replied with, "Santa." It was too cute. They had a great morning at our house and then we headed over to Matt's parent's house for Christmas over there. It was a busy morning, but we had such a great time!

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