Mark had his first official soccer practice ever today. We got there and had a wonderful surprise that Matthew's cousin Angie's kids, Jenna and Rylan, are on his team! We were thrilled! And her husband Rick is the assistant coach which is even better. I am hoping that Mark does better than he maybe would have because of this. So the practice started and he was doing pretty good. Again, his dribbling was good. He struggled a little with putting the ball down, kicking it, and then not going up to it to kick it again. Another drill that was challenging for him (which is mostly because he is anal like his mother) was when they told the kids to dribble along the white line around the field. Well, we all know that Mark had to keep that ball on the white line no matter what. If it went off even the slightest bit, he would take his hand and roll it back on. He was obviously pretty slow at this drill because it had to be perfect. Overall it was a great practice and he had such a great time. He really loves playing and I think mostly really loves playing with all the other kids. Hopefully it is something that can take up a lot of his energy because he has been literally bouncing off the walls lately!
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