Monday, March 31, 2008

Thunder or Toot?

Here is a picture of Mark in his new Samba's that Craig and Judy bought him. Even though they are too big right now, he loves to put them on.
Okay, funny story from today: It starting pouring down rain this afternoon, and all of sudden the thunder started. After it finished Mark says,"Wow, mom, did you hear that? That was me. I had a BIG toot!" I said, "no buddy, that was thunder." He asked what thunder was and I told him that it was a loud noise that happened sometimes when it rains. I said, it kind-of sounds like God is up there bowling just like you bowl. He said where is God? I said, he is up in heaven in the sky. He then told me he wanted to go see God in Heaven. I said, oh no, you can't see God in heaven for a long time, but you can pray to him every Sunday in Church. He finally said OK. A conversation I definitely didn't think I would be having with my 2 yr old!

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