Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Don't even think about it!

Matthew gave Makenna some Gerber stars the other day to eat in the family room. (which is highly prohibitted!) I guess he told me to watch her with them because the lid was open. Apparently I have selective hearing, because I don't recall that at all. Well, it didn't take long for her to pick up the container and shake it, and out came the stars. She then proceded to pick them up in huge handfuls trying to get as many in her mouth at one time as possible. (The girl loves to eat!) As you can see, at one point I tried to pick them up and she made a fist and gave me a look (which I have no idea where she could have gotten that from!), like, "Don't even think about coming near my stars!" Like I've said before-she's definitely a girl that knows what she wants!

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