Here is a video of Mark and Makenna dancing yesterday. Matthew had to sit with them to make sure Mark didn't drag Makenna across the kitchen, but they both had a great time!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Thunder or Toot?
Okay, funny story from today: It starting pouring down rain this afternoon, and all of sudden the thunder started. After it finished Mark says,"Wow, mom, did you hear that? That was me. I had a BIG toot!" I said, "no buddy, that was thunder." He asked what thunder was and I told him that it was a loud noise that happened sometimes when it rains. I said, it kind-of sounds like God is up there bowling just like you bowl. He said where is God? I said, he is up in heaven in the sky. He then told me he wanted to go see God in Heaven. I said, oh no, you can't see God in heaven for a long time, but you can pray to him every Sunday in Church. He finally said OK. A conversation I definitely didn't think I would be having with my 2 yr old!
Friday, March 28, 2008
Makenna 10 Months!
Makenna turned 10 months old on Wednesday! She is just getting so big. As you saw, she is trying to walk more and more everyday. She still crawls most of the time, but really only to get where she can stand. She's still eating great and is now drinking out of a sippy cup when she eats. She is basically on table food completely now and has really gotten away from baby food. She loves to wave Hi and her favorite things to say right now are "up" and "ball." As you can see in the first picture (which is my favorite) this is what she does when you tell her to give her bear and hug and kiss. It's the cutest thing ever. Enjoy!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Baby Steps
Makenna has been standing on her own more and more lately. She took a couple steps towards Matthew the other day we think without realizing what she was doing. Today she took a couple more baby steps. She is working on it. she really wants to be up and walking. Actually I think she wants to be chasing after Mark, but we'll start somewhere. Sorry about the shaky camera work at the end. She was balancing on me. It won't be long now until my freedom is over!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Picasso's in Training
Here is a video of Mark and Madison painting from the other day. They were so cute!
Family Time
We had some great family time this past weekend as well. The kids got to play, Bethany and I got to scrapbook, and Matt and Doug got to shoot pool. We also had fun playing cards together. It was also nice yesterday to have someone else there to take pictures so I actually got to be in a couple pictures too! What a concept! My kids do have a mother!
Caring Cousins
Sunday, March 23, 2008
The Dinosaur and the Princess
Madison said that Mark is a Dinosaur and she is a Princess and we all know that Mark loves chasing people around in his Dinosaur costume so he and Madison had a great time running around.
The First Moments
Here are some of the first moments of Mark and Madison playing after they woke up the other morning and saw each other for the first time. They have had so much fun together this weekend.
Snow Ball Fight!
I bet you never knew that you could have a snow ball fight in a hot tub, did you? Well, the snow obviously doesn't last that long once it hits the water, but it was funny when Matthew and Doug were getting hit in the back or chest first. Mark had a great time throwing them and Madison had a great time eating it. Overall they had a great time!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
New Chair
Recently a friend of Matthew's gave us a chair for Mark. He absolutely loves it and sits with Matthew or I when we're watching one of his shows. He goes and gets his Backyardigans blankets and cuddles up on his chair. It's quite cute. Matthew also let Makenna try it out one day and she obviously loves it too!
Don't even think about it!
Matthew gave Makenna some Gerber stars the other day to eat in the family room. (which is highly prohibitted!) I guess he told me to watch her with them because the lid was open. Apparently I have selective hearing, because I don't recall that at all. Well, it didn't take long for her to pick up the container and shake it, and out came the stars. She then proceded to pick them up in huge handfuls trying to get as many in her mouth at one time as possible. (The girl loves to eat!) As you can see, at one point I tried to pick them up and she made a fist and gave me a look (which I have no idea where she could have gotten that from!), like, "Don't even think about coming near my stars!" Like I've said before-she's definitely a girl that knows what she wants!
Fishing for Shoes
Honda found Mark's fishing pole in our stow and go when we turned in our old van. He has been having a great time playing with it ever since we got it back. This particular day Matthew was trying to teach him how to do it, and they were using Makenna's shoe as practice. Now he goes around trying to see what else he can "catch!"
Monday, March 17, 2008
Makenna Standing
Makenna Egg Hunt
Mark Egg Hunt
Mark had an interesting time at the Easter Egg Hunt. He went up to the first egg, picked it up and tried to open it and get the candy out. We told him that there were still thousands more eggs to get, but he wasn't wanting to do that. We tried to get him excited and then he finally went around to get more. After a while he was done and wanted to open the egg so he was tapping it against the handle of the basket to try and "crack it open." It was hilarious. Matthew got it on video but I couldn't capture it on film.
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