It is very rare and very hard to get a picture of Mark and Makenna where they are both smiling and sitting right next to each other. Mark is constantly wanting to be by Makenna and she is okay with it most of the time, but not always. Sometimes he can definitely be rough with her and pull on her hand because he wants to give her a kiss or knock her over because he's trying to give her a hug. Well, last night the roughness didn't lead to loving on her like usual. While I was at work, Matthew ran upstairs to get a diaper for Makenna when he heard the blood curdling scream from Makenna. He ran back downstairs and asked Mark what had happened. Mark then told him that he bit her and when Matthew said, no you couldn't have bit her, Mark then picked up her hand and showed him the teethmarks. Sure enough it was true. We never thought he would do anything like this and rest assured it will be the last time. (we hope). Needless to say he got in big trouble. She is fine, but a little hesitant when it's comes to her big brother today.
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