Thursday, January 31, 2008

The Almost Swim Lesson

Well, I was all excited about Makenna's first swim lesson this past Saturday at Duneland. I had to work, but I told Matthew probably 50 times that he couldn't schedule anything else from 8:45 - 9:15 AM because of her lesson. So he got there and I helped him get the kids in and get her ready and I kept thinking, wow, I wonder where everyone else is. Then a girl I work with Abby walked in and said, "you guys are here early." I looked at her and said, "What? I thought the baby and me class started at 8:45." She said, "no 9:45." Well, of course Matthew couldn't wait around with Makenna in the pool for an hour especially since the children's class started at 9:00 am. I was sooo upset. Matthew did take her in the pool for about 5 minutes or so and she really did like it a lot better than the Dells. She loved holding onto the side and as you can see did it all by herself. He even put her under water and about gave me a heart attack. I am excited for the rest of her lessons, but again realized I won't be able to be a part of them this weekend because I have to set up for our big Souper Bowl Bruch at Church that I am running. Hopefully I will get to get in the water with her at some point. Who knows, she may be a professional swimmer by then. But at least we'll never get the time wrong again!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

So Happy Together?

It is very rare and very hard to get a picture of Mark and Makenna where they are both smiling and sitting right next to each other. Mark is constantly wanting to be by Makenna and she is okay with it most of the time, but not always. Sometimes he can definitely be rough with her and pull on her hand because he wants to give her a kiss or knock her over because he's trying to give her a hug. Well, last night the roughness didn't lead to loving on her like usual. While I was at work, Matthew ran upstairs to get a diaper for Makenna when he heard the blood curdling scream from Makenna. He ran back downstairs and asked Mark what had happened. Mark then told him that he bit her and when Matthew said, no you couldn't have bit her, Mark then picked up her hand and showed him the teethmarks. Sure enough it was true. We never thought he would do anything like this and rest assured it will be the last time. (we hope). Needless to say he got in big trouble. She is fine, but a little hesitant when it's comes to her big brother today.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Makenna 8 Months!

I can hardly believe that Makenna turned 8 months old today! She is just getting so big so fast. She loves to stand up at things and is still trying so hard to crawl. She can get to whatever it is that she wants, but she's just not crawling the "right" way yet. She will do what I like to call the "scoot and reach." She will get on her hands and knees, start rocking back and forth, and then throw herself forward. She will then turn on her side and reach as far as she can with her right arm. If she still cannot reach the item wanted, she will repeat this process. She can however crawl really well backwards and in a circle. I also finally got a picture of all 4 teeth that she has right now. The front center one is still trying to make it all the way down, but we have a much happier girl now that has broken through.
We were out at dinner tonight and she was just talking and smiling at everyone who walked by. There were several different people who came up to us to tell us that she is just the cutest baby they have ever seen. I did however say thank you instead of "I know!" Anyway, she is just getting more of her personality everyday and I have decided as of now, she is like me with her stubborn side and determination, but also has Matthew's social butterfly side. This may be trouble...we shall have to wait and see!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

One of those days...

Do you ever have one of those days where you look at your kids and you know they have to be thinking, "Are you serious? Do you really have that camera out again?" These are the days that Mark and Makenna have often. I guess I just can't help myself...

Dancing Queen

Here is a video of Makenna from the other day. She loves to stand at her kitchen and play and this particular day she got the music to come on and she got a big smile on her face and started dancing and laughing to it. It was so funny!

Working with Tools

Here are some pictures of Mark working with the Tool Bench he got for Christmas. He loves playing with the drill and the saw the best. As you can see, he is really concentrating. You can tell because he is sticking his tongue out. =)

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Arcade Fun

Here are some pictures of Mark and Matthew at the Arcade that we found one night at the Dells. Mark had a blast riding the rides even though he wanted Matthew to go on everything with him. He kept his hands up the entire time on that Train ride and it really went fast and whipped them around. I couldn't have done it! We also taught him how to bowl and he had a great time with that. They also had a really nice play area where he could climb and go down slides and even a part where him and Matthew could shoot balls at each other from across the way. Guess who won that war? Sometimes I think Matthew just takes things a little too seriously! =) Of course at the end of the night he found a drum game. Leave it to Mark to find something musical to do!

Monday, January 21, 2008

Wisconsin Dells - Day 3

By the third day Makenna started to get a little more comfortable with the water. Matthew said she actually smiled with him in the pool when he had her. I think she was happiest in the room away from the waterpark! Makenna is still trying everyday to crawl and Mark loves to get on the floor with her and show her how. It's pretty funny. We also figured out a way for them both to ride on the stroller since it was a LONG walk to the waterpark with Mark at our side. But as soon as he saw the elevator he would run and say, "I will push the button ALL MYSELF." There isn't a day that goes by anymore where we don't hear that 100 times a day!

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Wisconsin Dells - Day 2 (The Splashing Incident)

A picture of Makenna looking somewhat
content with the water. She was making some

The calm before the storm.
Mark thinking "Look what I can do with that water"
Makenna about to get water shot in her eyes.

And the aftermath I couldn't get on film because Makenna was screaming with a stream of water in her face. Do you think she wanted to go back in the water after that??? I think not.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Tell me how you REALLY feel!

This was Makenna the first night we were at the Dells at dinner. I'm pretty sure this is what she was saying to us:
"I don't want you to ever take me to that waterpark again! I didn't like it and I'm not going back! Now give me my dinner!"
As much as she always knows what she wants and has NO problem telling us, we had to put our foot down and take her back the next day!
Also, as you can see she was indeed making a new friend at the end. Yes, she will too be like her brother and father!

Wisconsin Dells - Day 1

Well, Mark was SUPER excited to be at the waterpark and loved every minute of it. As you can see Makenna was not too thrilled. Her face says it all. She hated being put down and clung to Matthew and I every second she could. If I pulled her away she was kink her head to the side and throw it on my shoulder. At least I had a cuddlebug for the week I guess! Mark went down all the toddler slides all by himself and just loved walking through the water on his hands. He even went down the big slides with Matthew the first couple times and then all by himself a few times. He said that he had to take mommy down with him because I was scared. (Let's not tell him I really was! I hate heights!) But he did so good!

Guitar Hero or Fireman?

This particular night Mark decided he was going to be a Fireman Rock star I guess. He just loves playing his guitar and keyboard and singing into his microphone. He made up his own song and was having us sing with him. When you ask him what he wants to be when he grows up he still says a Baseball player, but today when he told me he was going to work and I asked him what he was going to do at work he said, "Play my guitar... And Aunt Bethany, Uncle Doug, and Madison are going to play the Trumpet, and Uncle Ryan and Alex are going to play the Tuba." I guess he's forming a family band. Everybody watch out!

A Brother's Love

Here is a picture of Mark loving on Makenna. All he ever wants to do is hold her and give her kisses. He loves her so much. We make sure we get picture and video proof of this so that we can prove it to him when he is older!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Snow Baby

I finally got Makenna outside after the last time it snowed to get her in her very first snow picture. She didn't like it very much but I think she looks just like the most beautiful snow baby with her pink nose and rosy cheeks.

Frosty the Snowmen

Mark had so much fun playing at his Grandma and Grandpa J's house this past weekend. He and Grandma J made 4 snowmen together...Daddy, Mommy, Mark, and Makenna. He loves the book and the movie "Frosty the snowman" so he knew what everything was supposed to be. He went to the backyard and got stick for the arms. He went next door to the neighbors house to get rocks for their eyes and mouth, and he went inside the house to get a carrot for his nose. He was so proud of it as you can tell. This is also his new "cheesy smile" that he does. As you can also see, they ran out of sticks and improvised with flags. I think it's very patriotic!

Monday, January 7, 2008

All Bundled up and ready to go...

Matthew had the kids this day while I was at work and he bundled Makenna up so he could take her out. I appreciate him taking these pictures as she looks so cute. And her shirt is true about her being a Princess!!! And a spoiled one at that!!!