Monday, October 24, 2011

Craig & Tiffany Wedding

Tiffany & Craig walking outside the Church
I loved Tiffany's dress!

At Ogden Gardens

Matthew and I at the Reception

Matt, Tiffany, Me, and Craig

Craig and Tiffany with Mark and Makenna at the Rehearsal Dinner

Matt's best friend, Craig, got married this weekend. We were so happy to see him marry Tiffany, as she is the nicest, sweetest person I have ever met. :) Their wedding was beautiful and we just had the best day ever with them and the wedding party. Tiffany was nice enough to include me in everything they did. I got to go to the Spa for a massage with all the girls on Friday, then Saturday, I was able to ride the bus with them to the reception and be with the wedding party then too. We had so much fun and it was great to spend time with good friends. We are so happy for the newest Mr. & Mrs. Yust! :)

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