Happy Halloween! Mark and Makenna had a great time trick or treating tonight! They lasted an hour and a half! That is the longest they have ever stayed out. Makenna even wore her heels for a while. They had a great time and it was so nice of everyone to come over and see them in their Halloween Costumes and to bring them goodies. It was a Great Night!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Makenna's Halloween Party
Makenna had her Halloween Party at school the other day and they always do a Trick or Treat Parade. She was really excited, but decided she didn't want to wear her Rapunzel hair. I said that was okay. They sang some really cute songs and all walked around the room collecting their treats. It was really nice to be able to go in and see her and she was so happy we were there. :)
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Rapunzel & Samurai Ranger
Here are Mark and Makenna in their Halloween Costumes for this year. Makenna is Rapunzel from the movie Tangled, and Mark is a Red Samurai Power Ranger. No surprise from either one. Makenna's favorite princess is Rapunzel and she wants Rapunzel everything lately. Mark, of course, loves to fight, and a Samurai Power Ranger is the ideal way to do that. They are both very excited to go trick or treating on Halloween!
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Pumpkin Patch

I took Mark and Makenna to the Pumpkin Patch at County Line Orchard a couple weeks ago when the weather was really nice. They had a great time picking out pumpkins that we will carve a couple days before Halloween. We also had to get some apples and apple cider according to them. It was really good, so I was okay with that. We are having a great fall so far!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Craig & Tiffany Wedding

Matt's best friend, Craig, got married this weekend. We were so happy to see him marry Tiffany, as she is the nicest, sweetest person I have ever met. :) Their wedding was beautiful and we just had the best day ever with them and the wedding party. Tiffany was nice enough to include me in everything they did. I got to go to the Spa for a massage with all the girls on Friday, then Saturday, I was able to ride the bus with them to the reception and be with the wedding party then too. We had so much fun and it was great to spend time with good friends. We are so happy for the newest Mr. & Mrs. Yust! :)
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Makenna and I love to dress up in our Steelers gear on Sundays. We always need to work on Mark a little to get him in his, but as long as the Steelers and the Packers aren't playing at the same time, he will wear both jersey's throughout the day. Makenna even starting singing today (all on her own) HERE WE GO STEELERS...HERE WE GO! That's my girl!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Little Miss Stubborn
When I was unpacking some of the totes of clothes that my sister sent from Madison, I was thrilled when I saw this shirt. It says, NO! really big and then "Little Miss Stuborn" on the bottom. This shirt describes Makenna to a "T." She is definitely my little No-sayer and she is SUPER Stubborn. Yes, I am well aware that she gets this wonderful trait from me, but we still butt heads quite often. She was wearing this the other day and decided to play with the outside water (we don't have a hose hooked up to it right now) and her and the neighbor Ben were making mud pies. Yes, something else she gets from her cousin, Madison. :) When I told her to stop, she of course, said, "No."
Another wonderful Makenna story that happened recently was quite shocking. (They usually are. You wouldn't believe the things that she comes up with.) I think she was talking to my best friend, Jamie, and Jamie was saying that she wanted her baby to be a little girl, to which Makenna replied, "Well, don't expect that to happen, because dreams don't come true." I was shocked, and said, "Makenna! Why would you say that?" To which she responded, "Well, I wanted a baby sister, and you said that's not going to happen, so if my dreams can't come true, then no one else's can." I couldn't believe it. She is just too much sometimes.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Mark's 1st Lost Tooth!
Mark lost his first tooth on Saturday night! He had just eaten an apple and it was hanging practically by a thread, so I told him his face was messy so to grab a paper towel and come over to me. I grabbed the tooth, yanked it out, and gave him the paper towel to clean up the blood. He was more in shock at first I think, then he was upset about the blood, then he was happy his tooth came out. He was so excited to put the tooth under his pillow for the tooth fairy. But as soon as he was happy, Makenna was upset. She started flipping out that she didn't loose a tooth and that she wasn't going to get a dollar. So to calm her down I told her that good little sisters and brothers sometimes get a quarter from the tooth fairy if they are good and happy for their brothers that lose their teeth. But there had to be no crying or she wouldn't get it. So she stopped and I put them both to bed. It was a long day. My best friend Jamie was over when it all went down, and if she wasn't already pregnant, it probably would have been good birth control for her because they were both a wreck for a while. :) Sorry Jamie, but it's too late now. :) Anyway, Mark was thrilled Sunday morning when he found the $1 that the tooth fairy left him and Makenna was excited with her quarter. (It was funny b/c when she told Mark that the tooth fairy left her a quarter, he said, "No she didn't, Mom left that for you." I couldn't believe it. But then she convinced him that the tooth fairy left it. Phew.) Anyway, it was an interesting evening.
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Mark's Loose Tooth
Well, hopefully soon I will be posting about Mark's 1st Tooth Lost, but for now, we still have this one loose tooth. Most kids his age have already lost a couple if not more teeth, but Mark is still working on the one. He can push it forward with his tongue and it's almost out, but it's still hanging in there. You can see the gap in his teeth now. It should be any day now...
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Ballerina Makenna
Makenna took a Field Trip with her class to the Dance Studio in town this past week. I wasn't able to go so I sent Matthew with the camera again. When she was getting dressed in the morning she insisted on wearing her ballerina outfit that Grandma J got her that also came with an outfit for her American Girl Doll, Maya. She was so excited to get dressed and to put Maya's outfit on as well. She had a really good time on her field trip too and loved running and dancing around.
Here is a video of Makenna and her class using the Parachute to make "popcorn." She had a great time. Matt also got another friend of Makenna's on video b/c her mom forgot her camera. Enjoy!
Friday, October 7, 2011

For some reason Mark has been wanting to have a Mohawk. Well, there was a kid in his class that apparently got lice, so I told Matthew to shave his head, just to be on the safe side. Mark talked him into giving him a mohawk. He ran up the stairs so fast, and said, "Mom, look! Can I keep it?!" I immediately said, "NO." So Matthew shaved the rest off, but I did get one picture before he did. Don't worry, Mark never got lice, but I wanted to be able to see better if he did. He is really sad and doesn't like his new haircut, and neither do I, but we told him not to worry, that it would grow back. He is hoping it grows back by school pictures on the 20th b/c he wants to have "spikey" hair for his picture. :)
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