Friday, July 22, 2011

Makenna's Bike Ride

1st try after I got home from work

I was at work for 12 hours today and Matthew took it upon himself to teach Makenna how to ride a 2-wheeler. He had her practice on Mark's bike so she didn't have to take the training wheels off of her bike yet. She did a great job. She called me on my way home from work to tell me that she had a surprise for me. I was amazed when I got home and saw her ride. She then called Grandma and Grandpa J and asked them to come over. By the time they got over, she was able to ride almost down the entire street! She is doing so well! We are so proud of our little girl!

This is after Craig and Judy came over to watch. She had improved already! Sorry, my camera kept fogging up... it was 100 degrees outside still!

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