Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother's Day from Mark

A picture of Mark drew of him riding a horse
Pg. 1
What is your mom's name: Ashlee
My mom loves to: Watch movies
My mom's favorite flower is: the Daisy (He said after I read that one, "Yeah, I made that one up." It was too cute!)
My mom's favorite food: Fruit

Pg. 2
My mom is really good at: her job! She helps people exercise!
My favorite thing about my mom is: She lets me play games on the computer
I love my mom because: She reads me books at bedtime

Back page

Here is a packet that Mark made at school for me for Mother's Day. It was so sweet and he did such a good job! He also gave me a flower pot (with a flower in it) but he drew a picture that went around the frame. He said it was a picture of 2 gluten free pies for me. :) It was really sweet. For Mark's school I had to give the teacher's a list of 6 words that describe Mark. It was harder than I thought at first, and then I thought of so many that I had to cut it down. Here are the 6 that I used:

1. Sweet 2. Smart 3. Athletic 4. Cuddly 5. Outgoing 6. Friendly
I know, there is also a long list of others...but those were my top 6. Looking back, I really should have included Social Butterfly...but I thought maybe that sounded too girly, so I used outgoing instead. On another positive note...Mark had a test at Kindergarten Round-Up that every incoming Kindergarten student had to take. We got the results back this week and he got 100/100! We were so proud of him! The avg for the school district was 85. His teachers were thrilled as well. They said he was their 1st perfect score! He has done such a great job this year and we couldn't be happier.

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