Sorry it has been so long since I posted. I was really sick all last week and then my neighbor gave me the book "Breaking Dawn" to read and I have been addicted to it and reading in every spare moment I have had...and finally finished it today...all 700+ pages. So now I guess I should get back to reality! Mark started playing Indoor Soccer a couple of weeks ago. He has done pretty well with it. Well...after we convinced him he didn't have to stay on the line like the coach said. He started to run around and have a good time. We did have one little incident after the game last weekend. When the other team scored, he looked at the goalie and said, "C'MON!" The little boy (That looks like a little girl) started to cry. I heard and saw what happened and made him go up to him and apologize and say good game. He did, but the little boy just looked away, sad. So Matt took him aside and ripped him a new one and then Mark was bawling his eyes out. Everyone felt bad for him, but Matt and I. He needs to learn not to treat other kids that way. They said it was too harsh, but I said what if the situation was reversed. You always have to think how you would feel. Anyway, he got the point. Here are some videos of him playing:
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