Monday, December 13, 2010

Johnson Family Christmas

Standing tall on Grandpa J
Makenna with Grandma J

Mark and Makenna with Aunt CiCi and Uncle Mike

Mark and Makenna with Aunt MiMi and Uncle Jeff (Oh and Baby Emma too)

Makenna getting her "Babysitter Barbie" or as she called it "Toilet Cleaning Barbie!"

We had the Johnson Family Christmas this past Saturday at Matt's Aunt Myrna's house. It was a great evening filled with family. The kids were thrilled to open presents already and loved everything they got. The best comment of the night of course came from Makenna when she opened her "Babysitter Barbie" which has a barbie doll and then a little girl sitting on a potty. She opened it and said, "Look Toilet Cleaning Barbie." I guess I have her helping me out a little too much with cleaning the house. It was too funny. At first I thought she said toilet training barbie which I found amusing too. She is just too much sometimes. We had a blast.

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