Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break

At an Indoor Waterpark in Illinois
Underneath a water fountain
Going down the slide...Mark was surprisingly okay that Makenna beat him

At Medieval Times
(Both kids loved this again!)
Baked cookies for the fireman and policeman and took them to them

At Bella-Boo's...a new play place in Lake Station

Pretending to be a mailman at Bella-Boo's

Painting her face

This is how Mark painted his face!

I know...I know...I haven't updated since St. Patty's Day, but things were just crazy. We were getting ready for vacation, then we were on vacation and this whole past week I have been trying to get back to normal after being on vacation! So anyway, when Matthew and I were in Jamaica last week, Matt's parents took care of the kids and they were nice enough to take pictures of all that they did with Mark and Makenna. The kids had such a blast and Craig and Judy said they played so hard everyday they crashed hard every night. Here are some pictures of some of what they did last week over Spring Break. They had the best time!

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