Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Makenna and Caden
Last week I watched Adison and Caden for Jill on Monday while she worked. I got out the Pack-n-play for Caden to sleep in Mark's room during nap time. I took it down the next day and put it away. Around Wednesday or Thursday Makenna woke up around 9 or 10 pm and had to go potty. As she was sitting there, and out of no where she says to me:
M: "Mom, what are we going to do with the pack-n-play now?"
A: "What do you mean Makenna? What do you want to do with the pack-n-play?"
M: "I think we should give it to Santa."
A: "Santa?"
M: "You know, Santa Clause, at the North Pole. It's cold up there."
A: "Why do you want to give the pack-n-play to Santa Clause?"
M: "So the Elves can use it."
I have no idea where that came from, but it was too funny having that conversation with her. She says the craziest things sometimes and it usually is while she's going potty!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Garage Shovel Tennis

Yes, Mark has now created a new sport...Garage Shovel Tennis. He would throw the ball Left Handed (so he could hold the shovel in his right hand) and when it bounced off of the wall he would try to hit it with the shovel. It's a great item b/c it not only hits the ball but scoops it up when missed! It was too funny watching him play this, but hey, it keep him occupied while Makenna napped and it tired him out at the same time. Even though the sun was shining this particular day, it was really cold, so this way he could still play tennis like he wanted to, but without the cold weather! He's too smart sometimes!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Kick It!

Getting ready to dribble
Kick 1

Kick 2

Here are some pictures of Makenna kicking the soccer ball around at Mark's game. She loves to kick the ball and asks for me to kick around with her all the time. I think we may have a blooming soccer player on the horizon! =)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bus Barn Field Trip

Mark's class in front of the bus they rode on
Mark with the bus

Makenna sitting in the bus before it left

Mark riding front row on the bus

Last week Mark's school took a field trip to the Valparaiso Schools Bus Barn. He was very excited to learn all about the school bus. They got to see one get washed and they got to walk around inside to see where the bus drivers go after they are done driving and they also got to see one being lifted up to get worked on. When we all got on the bus so the bus driver could give everyone the rules of the bus, Makenna was allowed to go on for that. She was in awe the whole time. Unfortunately she wasn't allowed to ride the bus with the class and she had quite the hissy fit when that time came. But Mark was as happy as ever sitting up front on the bus. When the bus driver asked if anyone had any questions, he raised his hand and when she called on him this was his question:
"Um, Yes, Why is it that Daddy's are usually bigger than Mommy's?"
To which the bus driver replied, "Does anyone have any questions about the bus?"
It was too funny. They had such a great time and I was so happy I got to be a part of it with them!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Makenna's Dance

Here is a video of Makenna dancing around last weekend at Mark's soccer game. She is just too funny sometimes!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mark Soccer Game

Last weekend Mark played his first soccer game of the season. He did so much better! He scored 2 goals! Granted he was right in front of the goal and nudged them in, but he still scored! He went after the ball more and wasn't as scared this time around. We are hoping that this season will go better than the last. He was really excited to play and kept asking if it was time to start soccer yet so I am thinking he is definitely more ready this time around too. As long as he is having fun, that is all that matters to us.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Scooter Time

Mark and Makenna still love to ride their scooters. They have both gotten pretty good on them. Again, it was windy in the video, but Makenna still loves to ride down the sidewalk. She was singing a song in this one too. Enjoy!

Baby Swing

Makenna has been all about her baby dolls again. She found this one day when we were at Walgreens and since it was on clearance for $2 I bought it. She has wanted to bring it everywhere and do everything with it. She loves to push her on the swing out back and take her for walks outside in her stroller. It is so cute when she pushes her. I am sorry about how windy it is. We have had beautiful weather but the wind has been horrible.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Judy got "Craig" a Bears Bag toss game for Easter. It is a mini game and the kids had a great time playing with it. I know that Mark didn't get any in here in this particular video, but he actually did get quite a few in. Makenna as you can see throws with both left and right hands. Who knows. I think it just depended which hand she was holding the bag in. Also are some pictures of Mark after he did get one in where he was jumping up and down. Oh, and please don't mind Mark's shoes. We forgot to bring him extra shoes, so Judy told them they were his even though they are Makenna's. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. =)

Easter Egg Hunt

Here are some videos of our Easter Egg Hunt at Craig and Judy's house. The kids were more thrilled that the Easter Bunny had come to their house then our house! In the second video you can see that Mark's basket was right in front of him and he didn't even see it! He was more concerned with where the eggs were! Makenna was definitely excited about her basket, but when it came to the princess boxes filled with candy, "Just Forget It!" She preferred the eggs instead. =)

Friday, April 9, 2010

Easter Baskets

Here is a video of Mark and Makenna when they saw their Easter Baskets Sunday Morning. Mark wasn't too sure of whether the Easter Bunny Really left it for him or if it was me. He has gotten way too smart this year. He had already told us when we went to take him to see the Easter Bunny that it wasn't the real Easter Bunny. That it was "just a guy in a suit, because think about it...a bunny that big. come on." It was too funny.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Easter Sunday

Easter Sunday at Grandma and Grandpa J's House!

Sunday, April 4, 2010



Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dying Easter Eggs

Of course Mark wanted to start out with blue
Makenna with her yellow egg

Mark trying to mix orange with blue

Messy Makenna wanted to hold each egg, this time her green one

She had a plate full of different color dye when she was done

I wanted to take Mark and Makenna out back today to dye easter eggs, but we are having like 25 mph winds so I decided it might be best if we stayed inside today to complete our task. They had a great time. At first they just wanted to jump right from one to the next, so I had to explain that we could take our time and color on them first and also use more than one color if we wanted. So on Makenna's last egg she decided to use every color that we had! The last picture shows her masterpiece! They had a great, messy time!

Friday, April 2, 2010

Spring Break

At an Indoor Waterpark in Illinois
Underneath a water fountain
Going down the slide...Mark was surprisingly okay that Makenna beat him

At Medieval Times
(Both kids loved this again!)
Baked cookies for the fireman and policeman and took them to them

At Bella-Boo's...a new play place in Lake Station

Pretending to be a mailman at Bella-Boo's

Painting her face

This is how Mark painted his face!

I know...I know...I haven't updated since St. Patty's Day, but things were just crazy. We were getting ready for vacation, then we were on vacation and this whole past week I have been trying to get back to normal after being on vacation! So anyway, when Matthew and I were in Jamaica last week, Matt's parents took care of the kids and they were nice enough to take pictures of all that they did with Mark and Makenna. The kids had such a blast and Craig and Judy said they played so hard everyday they crashed hard every night. Here are some pictures of some of what they did last week over Spring Break. They had the best time!