Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Mr. Ladies Man
He looks sooo skinny in this picture...I mean he is so skinny, but here it just looks funny.

My Little Valentine

We got a smile...yeah!

The only picture of the 2 of them together

Well, Mark and I did our best. We got Makenna to smile for at least a couple pictures. I asked them if they wanted to take a picture for Valentine's day and Mark (my cooperative little man) said, "Sure Mom." But Makenna threw herself on the floor kicking and screaming. Oh, I know what you are thinking...not sweet little Makenna? Yes...fiesty little Makenna. The other pictures I got were of her attitude so I just decided for the love of today, we would leave those out and try to focus on the positive side! Hope everyone has a GREAT and LOVE filled day!

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