Friday, December 31, 2010
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas Morning
Mark and Makenna had a great time Christmas morning seeing what Santa brought them and opening their gifts. Mark got all of the Star Wars stuff he wanted and Makenna got her police girl barbie that she wanted so much. It was a fun day, especially seeing all of their reactions with everything. Makenna was her normal happy and pouty self throughout the day, and Mark was just perfect the whole day.
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Christmas Eve
My parents came in town for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day this year. They wanted to see Mark and Makenna open their gifts this year from Santa. Before we headed out to Church Mark and Makenna put out the cookies for Santa as well as the carrots for the Reindeer. They had to count out the exact amount. Then after church we went over to Matt's parent's house for a little while. They had a great time before I had to get them home and to bed so Santa could come. After putting them to bed, Mark was out in no time, but Makenna heard my parents and I talking downstairs and was afraid Santa wouldn't come if we were still awake so she kept yelling, "Go to Sleep!" It was too funny.
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Christmas in PA
Here are some pictures of the kids at Christmas in Pennsylvania at my parents house. They had a great time seeing all of the family and playing with Madison and Tyler. I couldn't wait to love on Tyler too. He has gotten so big! We loved seeing everyone and had a great time. We did Christmas Saturday, then took the kids down to my parents neighborhood clubhouse to see Santa and decorate christmas cookies, and then went to the Steelers game Sunday (the 19th). Monday we hit the road early since we heard a big snow storm was coming. We luckily made it home in time. It was a fun and fast weekend!
Friday, December 17, 2010
Successful Student
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Monday, December 13, 2010
Johnson Family Christmas
We had the Johnson Family Christmas this past Saturday at Matt's Aunt Myrna's house. It was a great evening filled with family. The kids were thrilled to open presents already and loved everything they got. The best comment of the night of course came from Makenna when she opened her "Babysitter Barbie" which has a barbie doll and then a little girl sitting on a potty. She opened it and said, "Look Toilet Cleaning Barbie." I guess I have her helping me out a little too much with cleaning the house. It was too funny. At first I thought she said toilet training barbie which I found amusing too. She is just too much sometimes. We had a blast.
Christmas Program
Mark's class had a Christmas Program on Friday the 10th. That was his last day of school before Christmas break already! And just in time because he had the flu all day today. It was not a great day for us. But he is finally feeling better. Makenna had it Friday and Sunday. Matthew and I are hoping to avoid it, but we shall see I guess. Back to Mark's program though, he did really well. All the kids sang great together and it was a big success! Mark was happy to not only have Matthew, Makenna, and I there, but Craig and Judy also came as well as Matt's Uncle Mike. He was ecstatic. Here are some videos of the occasion. Merry Christmas! (P.S. The girl standing to the right of him (in the black and red polka dot dress) is Nora and he talks about her all the time. I'm pretty sure he has a big crush on her. It's so cute) Oh, and also, Mark's Pre-K class are the 12 kids in the back row. The front row is the Kindergarten readiness class. (That is the class Makenna will be in next year.)
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Throw your hands in the air like you just don't care!
Mark and Makenna have been listening to music with Matt lately in his car and all of their new favorite song is by Pink called "Raise Your Glass." It is so funny when it gets to the chorus because they throw their hand in the air and jam to the song. They Love it!
Friday, December 10, 2010
All By Myself!
Here is a video of Makenna sledding all by herself. It then turned into a big snowball fight!
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Sledding Fun
Matthew and I took the kids out to play in the snow on Sunday. They were begging us to go sledding as soon as they saw snow and even though we were at bare minimum on the snow, they still were all about it. They eventually ended up having a snowball fight and Makenna made snow angels. It was all fun until I got a snowball on my camera and decided that picture time should be done for the moment. Later that day we took the kids to the YMCA for open swim and they had a great time swimming around and Mark even went down the big slide that they have there. In order for him to be able to go on it he had to pass a swim test. They had him swim across the entire pool and then tread water for 30 seconds on his own. He did it! They swam for an hour and a half and had a great time. Needless to say, after a day full of playing outside and swimming they crashed hard that night...and so did I!
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Monday, December 6, 2010
DHWI Christmas Party
We had our Annual Duneland Health and Wellness Christmas Party on Saturday night. The kids had a great time seeing Adison and Caden and even were a part of a 12 days of christmas song that some of our employees performed. The finished off the night by seeing Santa and telling him what they wanted for Christmas. Mark said Star Wars stuff and Makenna wants a police girl barbie. It should be a fun christmas!
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Naughty or Nice?
Makenna has a few Christmas outfits and since we are in the season I thought it was the perfect time to start putting them on her. This particular day she asked what her shirt said. I told her it said, "I'm On the Nice List." She said, "I'm on the nice list....I don't think so." It was too funny. I said, Oh, you're not on the nice which she ran up to Matt and gave him a hug. I guess she knows that if she's not nice to people...mainly Matt...then Santa won't bring her any gifts. It was funny.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
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