Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Makenna 2 Yr Old Pictures

Here is a couple of the pictures we had taken of Makenna today for her 2 year old pictures...Enjoy!

Running down the Slip and Slide

Here is a video of Mark trying to show Makenna how to run down the slide and when he ran down he fell down. I guess he really did show her though because even when she was carefully walking down she bit it too!

Head First!

Here are some pictures of them going down head first.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Slip and Slide Fun

Here is a video of Makenna from this past weekend on the slip in slide we put in the backyard. Matt helped her down the first time, but as you can hear, "I will do it self!" So the next time she attempted to go down by herself. She called the sprinklers that came out "rain" which I thought was funny. And as you can also probably hear at the end after Mark's comments of her to have help, she sternly reminds him that, "NO MEANS NO!" Good thing she learned that early!

Singing Happy Birthday to You!

Here is a video of all of us singing Happy Birthday to Makenna tonight. At the beginning of the video what you missed is that everytime Matt would light the candle, Makenna would blow it out. So he finally had to give her some instructions on how to do it. At the end of the video what you missed is Makenna diving into her cake face first. I guess she decided that she didnt' need a fork!


Makenna with the bear I always took her picture with as a baby
The Birthday Girl!
After she blew out the candle she decided to have some cake!

Cake Face
Her cookie set from Mommy and Daddy

Today Makenna turned 2! I can hardly believe sometimes how fast the time goes by. She is just so big and her personality has developed more and more lately. She is the most independent little girl I have ever seen in my life. She has to do everything, "SELF." If you even try to do something for her, forget it, she will let you know what you can do with your help, because she will again say, "I do it self!" We have taken her pacifier away from her except for at bedtime and so she has a lot more to say now while we're in the car. She notices everything. We drove by a blue building the other day and she said, "Look Mom, that's blue. That's Mark's favorite color." And sure enough when I looked over, there was a blue building. She is just too smart for her own good. Today when everyone called to wish her a Happy Birthday she would respond to them by saying, "Happy Birthday!" I tried to get her to say "Thank You" but I think she was just too excited for that. We took her out to Uno's Pizza for dinner because pizza is her favorite meal. We then came home and she got her own birthday cake (and Mark got one too) and then she opened a present we got her. Matt's mom and sister were able to join us tonight which was nice as well. Overall it was a great day!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Shake It!!!

Watch him stand up tall and then when he shakes his hips. I couldn't stop laughing... =) He is just too cute sometimes!

Itsy Bitsy Spider

Here is the Itsy Bitsy Spider Video...Notice how all of the kids kept accidentally hitting the other kids when they threw their arms out to the side. They would look at each other like, "Hey!" Too funny!

Here is the Church...

Notice how he takes a bow at the end!


Here is Mark singing "Skidamarink-a-dink-a-dink" (spelling?). It was so cute because all of the kids were trying to find their Mom's to point to.

Preschool Mother's Tea

Mark's Handprint
Mark's picture was at my place setting

The plate he made me
He took this picture of me
Mark and I at our "Tea" together
Mark just being Mark

We had Mark's Mother's Tea on May 7th. He was so excited for me to come to Preschool with him and that he got to get all dressed up. When I walked in he showed me where we would be sitting and I had his picture with his handprint on the outside of the program. Since I couldn't eat my treats, he was more than happy to eat them for me. After that we went into their Circle Room and they put on a performance for all of us (videos to follow). It was very nice. The day finished by him giving me all of my presents...A plate that he colored for me ("It has all the colors on it...see Mom?") and a flower. It was very sweet. We had a great time together!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day Early

Here are some pictures of Me, Mark, and Makenna before Mark's Mother's Tea at Preschool last Thursday. He was so excited to get all dressed up with his tie on! And, Yes, he buttoned his coat wrong =)

All Dressed Up

Sorry it has been so long since I have updated and also that there has only been about one update per week. My camera and computer were not working well together and it was very frustrating. Now (at least for today) all is well and I was able to get my pictures off of my camera and they looked okay! So here are some pictures of Mark and Makenna from before Church a couple of weeks ago. Enjoy!

Monday, May 4, 2009

If you Can't Beat it, Join it!

We have had a ton of rain here lately. The kids still love to play outside and don't really care what the weather is like, so on this particular day they decided to go play in the rain. They have a great time jumping and splashing in the puddles. Thanks to their Grandma and Grandpa J they have some nice rain suits so we don't mind if they want to go out for a little while. I guess if you can't beat the rain, you should just join in!