Sunday, February 3, 2008

A family divided!

We had a SUPER BUSY Day today. Not only did we run the Super Bowl Brunch at Church this morning, we had Marci's birthday, and then of course the Super Bowl, which we spent at friends of ours. I left the house at 7 AM was here for about a half hour from 4 - 4:30 and then just got home for the night at almost 10. It was a LONG, tiring day. But we all had a really good time. We all were supporting our teams today. Makenna and I were dressed in our black and gold Steelers and Matt and Mark were sporting their Brett Favre jersey's. I guess we are currently a family divided. Maybe after Brett Favre retires Mark will realize his true colors and return to Steeler Country. Until then Matthew will keep steering him wrong.

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