My sister had my new nephew, Jackson Douglas, on Wednesday, January 18th at 9:36am and he only weighed 5 lbs 12 oz and was a mere 18 inches long. He is such a little peanut! He is just so adorable. I was in training all last week in Ohio for work, so on Saturday afternoon when I finally got out, I drove straight to Pennsylvania to see Bethany, Doug, Madison, Tyler and Jackson. I was so excited to meet Jackson, but also happy to spend some time with Madison and Tyler too. Madison and I rarely get one-on-one time since she is usually playing with Mark and Makenna, so it was a lot of fun to have Madison/Aunt Ashlee time. I told her that if she practiced her minute math, that we would have a fun pajama dance party so we did just that, and we were laughing so hard the whole time. I taught Madison some funny dance moves, and even had my mom and sister laughing hysterically. I told her anytime she has a bad day or is sad, just think of Aunt Ashlee's funny dances. :) Also, Tyler has changed so much in the past month since I saw him at Christmas. He is so funny. He thinks everything sneaky is hilarious and he has this evil laugh. It's just too cute. I loved getting him in the morning from his crib when he would wake up because he's just so cuddly. It was so great getting to see all of them and spend time with them. It was also nice to be able to spend some time with my parents on Sunday as well. I can't wait until the next time we get to spend time together!
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