So who knew that my 3 and 5 yr olds would be shoe snobs, but here we are. I was looking through a Kohl's Ad one day and Makenna said, "Look Mom, Twinkle Toes Shoes. I really want a pair." I thought she made up the whole "twinkle toes" part b/c they had little sparkles on the front. And then I saw the words next the the shoes..."Sketchers Twinkle Toes." I couldn't believe it. Turns out they are all the rage and my 3 year old daughter was wanting a pair. Then Mark proceeded to say, "Why can't I have a pair of Sketchers? I want a pair." Wow. I never in my wildest dreams would have thought that this would start so young. My friend said that her daughter who is in Kindergarten was being made fun of because she didn't have Sketchers. Kindergarten! What has this world come to. But anyway, my mom and I were at Kohl's the other day and since they were already on sale and then she had a 30% off coupon, she agreed to get them for her for her Birthday and since she won't be here next month for her party she decided to give them to her before she left yesterday. Makenna was ecstatic. She was sooo excited to put them on and wear them to school to show all of the other girls. I'm glad she's so happy, but I still just think it's a little crazy that fads are starting so young!
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