Monday, August 9, 2010

Grand Rapids, MI

Mark and Uncle Craig
Makenna and Uncle Craig
Mark, Craig, and Makenna
Mark and Makenna as WhiteCap Players

We decided last minute last Monday to drive up to Grand Rapids, MI to see Matt's best friend Craig and his girlfriend Tiffany. We took the kids to the Grand Rapids Zoo in the afternoon and then Craig got us tickets to see the West Michigan WhiteCaps play baseball. (Craig works for the WhiteCaps). Craig hooked the kids up with some bats and they were thrilled. We hung out after the game but unfortuately had to leave early Tuesday morning to get back before Mark's 5 yr old checkup. We had such a great time and need to get together with them more often!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Swimming at Aunt Myrna's

We went out to Matt's Aunt Myrna's house last Sunday to get together with family which gave the kids a good opportunity to swim at Aunt Myrna's pool. They were very excited since they just love to swim these days and we were excited to see them swim in a big pool. Their Grandma J has been taking them a lot at her apartment pool and keeps telling us how good they have gotten. As you can see in the video of Makenna swimming she is doing great! In Mark's video he told me the reason he didn't kick his feet at first is because he was gliding (like swimmers do after they push off the wall or dive in). He is doing a great job too. As soon as he learns to extend his arms more he will be doing even better.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Baseball Star

Mark is quite the baseball player. He loves to play and is much better with being pitched to then trying to hit off of a tee. He can't wait to be able to start playing next Spring. By then he will be almost 6 which I think will help him even more. I just can't get over how well his hand eye coordination is. This was when he and Matt played a few weeks ago too. If you can try to ignore Makenna in the background again. She saw that I was taking a video and wanted to do it too. I swear Mark missed the last pitch b/c he was sick of hearing the whining just as much as I was!

Monday, August 2, 2010


Here is a picture of Mark from tennis last week. He put his visor on sideways and it was just too cute. Even his instructors made comments to him. He's just too cute for words sometimes! He finished up his lessons last Wednesday and just did great with them. He was by far one of the best. In the video you can see how good his first and last shots were. The 2nd one was probably only the 2nd one he had missed for the whole 2 weeks. His downfall was paying attention the whole time! (Don't mind Makenna in the background on the video. She loves to talk and sing constantly!)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Was that you God?

Makenna has been completely obessed with God and Heaven lately. She loves to ask about God and seems to bring it up at random times. Believe it or not one of the times she like to talk about it is when she's going to the bathroom. Don't ask because I have no idea why. But the other morning we were in the middle of watching a movie when the power went out. It was sunny outside not storming or anything but we just lost power. So Makenna looks at us with this concerned and panicked face and says, "Was that God?" I couldn't help but chuckle b/c I wasn't expecting that at all, but then said, "No, Makenna, that wasn't God that shut our power off." I think it will be good for her when she starts Sunday School in the fall, but I wish her teachers well because I already know she will be asking them a TON of questions!