Well we woke up early again today so we could drive from Uncle Curt's house to Orlando. We got checked into our hotel (where Matt worked his Salesman magic and got us a Suite-thank goodness!) We quickly and literally threw our stuff in the room and headed out to the Shuttle for Magic Kingdom. We got there a little before about 9:30 and headed in. At this point, we had already had to threaten Makenna about not going b/c she had not been good all morning. But eventually we made it through the gates. We started out with Aladdin's Magic Carpet ride and the kids were so happy to see Aladdin and Jasmine at the end of the ride. We continued on and worked out the fast pass system. We rode almost every ride that we could and if for some reason Makenna couldn't ride b/c of a height restriction, then Matt and Mark went on alone and I took Makenna to something else, but most of that was done while she eventually napped in the stroller. Mark LOVED Pirates of the Carribbean, but Makenna DID NOT. This is how our lunch converstation went:
Mark: I loved Pirates of the Carribbean. I want to go on that again.
Ashlee: You didn't think it was scary?
Mark: No, it wasn't scary at all, I liked it.
Ashlee: Makenna, did you like Pirates of the Carribbean?
Makenna: No.
Ashlee: Why? You didn't think it was scary. I know you weren't afraid.
Makenna: Yes, I was scared and it was scary. I don't want to go on that ride again. (Said with TONS of facial expressions and hand motions)
Mark: Oh, Makenna, don't you know none of that is real anyway.
It was too cute. She is so dramatic with her opinons of things. She at first didn't want to go on the Rollercoaster across from Mickey's house and then after she did she wanted to go on it again b/c she liked it so much b/c it went, "SO FAST!" She was pretty crabby most of the day and would just cling to me. She finally got better and much happier toward the end of the day when we got to Epcot (at 8PM!) We ate a late dinner and then Matt took Mark to the Test Track and I took Makenna to Finding Nemo. She LOVED it. We finished the night watching fireworks and then got back to the hotel around 9:45. They of course crashed hard...and as promised...there was no pacifier in Disney World!!!!!!!!!
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