Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Family Sled

Here is a picture of the 4 of us sledding from last weekend. Judy took the picture for us. It was so nice to have a picture of all of us together for once!

Friday, January 15, 2010

I'm Special Day (Explaining his poster)

Here is the beginning when Mark started explaining his poster. As you can hear when the teacher asked what his name said, Makenna yelled out, "Mark!"

The continuation....

I'm Special Day!

Mark before going into class
Getting Ready to explain his poster
Makenna sitting in circle time
So serious, about to answer his classmates questions.

Mark had his "I'm Special Day" at school today. He got to make a poster, bring a snack (he wanted to bring Brownies b/c he said they are his favorite), and invite family to spend time with him at school while he explained his poster. Mark pasted down all of the letters in his name and picked out all of the pictures that he wanted to use all by himself and put down stickers of things that he likes (knights, guitars, drums, and John Deere Tractors). Makenna was excited because the teachers let her come in and play with the kids at the beginning of class and then she got to sit in the circle at circle time while Mark talked. After explaining his poster, they have Q&A time with the class where the other students in the class get to ask him questions. He sat there so serious the whole time and occasionally got this little smirk on his face, it was so funny. Also, when the kids were raising their hands, Mrs. Bennett would say, "Okay, now Tia has her hand raised and Angelina, who would you like to call on?" And he would say, "Rhede" or some other kids name that didn't have their hand raised! It was too funny. These are some of the things that were asked:

Q: What is your favorite movie?
A: Phineas & Ferb (which is a TV show)
Q: What is your favorite pizza? (This was Makenna's Question)
A: Pepperoni & Sausage

Q: What is your favorite flavor of ice cream:
A: Chocolate
The teachers asked him:
Q: What is your favorite thing to do with Daddy?
A: Go on Rides

Q: What is your favorite thing to do with Mommy?
A: Wrap Presents

Q: What is your favorite thing to do with Grandma?
A: Bake Cookies

And Last but not least and definitely the most entertaining answer of the day...
Q: What do you want to be when you grow up?
A: A Garbage Man!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Father/Son Snowboarding Fiasco

Here is a video of Matt's dad trying to snowboard on Mark and Makenna's sled. He ended up rolling down the hill instead! So Matt thought that he could do better and tried to one-up his dad. He didn't make it that far the first time, but did okay the second time.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Sledding with Grandma and Grandpa - Part 2

Here are some more videos of Mark and Makenna sledding with Grandma and Grandpa J

Sledding with Grandma and Grandpa J

All 4 of them getting ready to head down the hill
Grandma J and Makenna

Mark and Grandpa J

Makenna and Grandpa J

This past Friday Matt's parents came out to take Mark and Makenna sledding. They both were so excited. We all stayed out for about an hour and had a great time.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Sledding Part 2

We took Mark and Makenna out sledding last night in our backyard again. There were tons of kids going so it made it a little more difficult to slide down without hitting people. Mark however proved that the Ace that he is driving his tractor he is just as good at manuvering his sled. He amazed us. He also learned to start his sled first then run and jump onto it and he goes much faster. He has the best time. It was a lot harder for them to walk up the hill though because of how much snow we got. When we were walking out to the hill Makenna insisted on walking and the snow was literally above her knees, but she wouldn't let us carry her. She even went down the hill by herself towards the end, but I couldn't get it on video because it was too dark outside at that point. They were both so tired out last night that they crashed at bedtime. It was great! We are getting another foot today so there wasn't any school so Matt's parents are going to come out after nap and take them again. They are pumped!

Makeup Artist/Tomboy

Putting on mascara
Running around her room

Trying to not let me catch her

Makenna loves to play hair, makeup, dress up and all those other girly things. She even gets Mark to join in some days. This day she needed a belt on her dress...I felt like I was back in the 80's - Just belt it! She was getting all dolled up to "go out." It was too cute. But then her tomboy side kicked in and she started running around her room. She is quite the little runner. She was having a blast!

The Fashionista

Everyone should know by now that Makenna has a mind of her own. She likes to do what she wants to do and she like to wear what she wants to wear. This particular day she was dressed in a brown floral dress with yes, a pink camo shirt with Dora on the front and pink leggins. Only the best for my girl! I chose not to fight her this time.

The Knight and The Princess

Mark and Makenna have loved to play dress up lately. Here are some pictures of them dressing like a Knight and a Princess.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Here are some videos of Mark, Makenna, and Matt sledding from a couple weeks ago.


Walking out to the hill
Walking up the hill after sledding down

Loving the snow!

Putting her hands up ready for the ride!

Getting Ready to go down head first!

Here are some pictures and of when we took the kids sledding a week or two ago. We are going to head out again later today since we have gotten about 8-9 inches of snow today and it's still coming down! It's so nice that we get to walk in our back yard to go sledding. It's a perfect hill for the kids and they love it!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Rest of Christmas...

Makenna getting her Tinkerbell doll from Rob
Mark opening the scooter from Grandma and Grandpa J

Makenna and her My Little Pony Purse

Handsome Mark so cute in his new hat

I am sorry that it is January 6th and I am still posting Christmas stuff. I am to say the least, a little behind. I have been going to Physical Therapy for my shoulder and it has been kicking my butt and tiring me out completely. I need to work on setting aside some more blog time I know.

Anyway, here are some pictures of Mark and Makenna at Craig and Judys' later Christmas morning. They had a blast with all of their gifts and were so excited to each get a scooter. Mark's exact reply was, "Grandma, I can't believe you remembered! It's just what I wanted!" I was too classic.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Christmas Morning

Here is what our tree looked like after Santa came...

Putting Baby to Bed

Here is Makenna singing her baby a song, then covering her with a blanket, then giving her a kiss goodnight. They ran over to Matthew because they heard him tracking Santa to see if he was on his way to our house.

Dear Santa...

Here are a couple videos of what Mark and Makenna were asking for on their letters to Santa...

Here is Mark making his list for Santa...he wrote the whole thing himself!

Here is Makenna "writing" her list to Santa and telling us all that she wants from her baby dolls.

Milk for Santa

Here is Mark carrying the milk for Santa "very slowly" as Makenna says!

The Night Before Christmas

Here is a video of Mark and Makenna listening to the book, "The Night Before Christmas" that my parents recorded for them. It was so nice!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve with Granma and Grandpa J
Mother and Daughter

Our Family 2009
After putting out cookies and milk for Santa

We spent Christmas Eve with Matthew's family after going to church. The kids had a great time playing there that we didn't even get home until 10pm! They still wanted to put their cookies and milk out for Santa and they still got out their "Night Before Christmas" book that they got from Grandma and Grandpa H. Matt also got on his laptop to show Mark and Makenna where Santa was and since he was heading our way they had to get to bed. It was a fun night.