Friday, November 27, 2009


Makenna trying to be like Mark and put her hand on her cheek!
Makenna posing by the Happy Thanksgiving Sign
Our Thankful Family 2009
Mark and Grandpa J

Makenna and Grandpa J

Makenna wearing Grandma's Glasses!

We had a great family day yesterday with Matt's family at his Mom and Dad's house. The kids had a great time running around and playing with all of their cousins. It was a typical thanksgiving where we all ate entirely too much, played games and looked at Black Friday Ads. It was Fantastic!

Makenna 1st Haircut!

Makenna had her first haircut last week. Every time I would take Mark in the hairdresser would tell me how I should get the back of Makenna's hair trimmed. I was too scared that she would lose her curls. However, she had been getting so many knots lately and her bangs were in desperate need of a trim so I decided to make her a haircut when I made Mark's. She was really good the whole time and just sat there and watched Dora. She was excited to get her popcorn and juice box afterwards like Mark always does. It was okay and I guess she didn't lose all of her curls so it wasn't too bad. Here is her certificate!

Polar Express

Before getting onto the train with the Conductor
Makenna getting ready to get on the train
The conductor punching a "B" for Believe in their Golden Tickets
Drinking their Hot Chocolate
Mark and Madison reading along with the story
Makenna looking at Santa's Workshop at the North Pole

Madison and Makenna excited to see Santa

Mark telling Santa he wants Cars for Christmas

Makenna giving Santa a big hug. She told him she wants baby dolls for Christmas and a Pony. We think the baby doll is possible, not sure about the pony. =)

Matt and I took Mark and Makenna down to a Polar Express train ride in Connersville, IN last weekend. We met my sister, Doug, and Madison so the kids could have a great time riding the train together. They all had a great time. I think Mark probably enjoyed it more than Makenna just b/c he is older and understands it a little better. They read through the story, were served hot chocolate, a cookie, and then when we got up to the "North Pole" Santa came out of his Workshop and boarded the train. He came and sat with each kid and asked them what they wanted for Christmas. Then he gave each of them the first gift of Christmas...A jingle bell. They were so excited. We all had a great time!

Monday, November 23, 2009

IU Cute

Mark wanted to wear his IU fleece the other day and his gray hat. I just thought he looked too cute. It brought me back to when he was a little baby and toddler when I used to always put those hats on him! Ahhh...Memories!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Fruit Feast

Mark eating his Fruit Feast
Mark and Adison
Mark and some of his classmates + Makenna

Mark and I
Mark had his Thanksgiving Fruit Feast at school Friday and Makenna and I were so thankful that we got to be a part of it with him!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Kicking around with Uncle Ryan

Here is a video of Mark kicking the soccer ball with my brother. It brought me back to my days of learning to play from him. It's amazing sometimes how things come around!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Soccer w/ Uncle Ryan

Dribbling the ball to Uncle Ryan
Passing Uncle Ryan the ball
Getting a pass from Uncle Ryan

We were at my sister's house in Pittsburgh last weekend and my brother was there to go to the Steelers game with my dad. Mark and Makenna had a great time with their Uncle Ryan. Mark played soccer with him while Makenna napped and then they both enjoyed wrestling with him later in the day. It was so great to get to spend some time with him since we don't get to very often!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Winter Bound

Going out with her boots on!
Sweet, Innocent, Beautiful...oh, she's got us all fooled!!! =)

Bethany brought a bunch of Madison's stuff to us again when she was here for Halloween, which Makenna has loved receiving. She is all about the boots that she brought for her. She had to have them on, but needed her hat too. She is just too funny when it comes to her stuff. It's definitely her way or the highway!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tampa Bay Bucs

Wearing their Buc T-shirts and Bandanas under their Hats.
Having a who can stick their tongue out the longest contest
(The medals are from Matt's Monumental Mini Marathon in Indy he ran the day before)

A Pirate...Arrr!

The Cutest Buc Around!

Matthew went to the Packers/Bucs game two weekends ago in Tampa, FL. He was gone for what felt like forever and decided to bring the kids home lots of fun stuff. Here they are all decked out in their Bucs stuff!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Father's First Try

This was Matthew's first attempt at a french braid. Not bad dad!

Our Little Packer Fans


Matthew and my dad went to the Packer game this weekend and brought the kids back Packer flags. The kids love them. Although the Packers lost, they still had a good time.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Trick or Treating 101

We were getting ready to leave for Trick or Treating and I was making sure the kids knew what they were supposed to do and say when they walked up to someone's door. I was pretty sure that Mark and Madison were well aware, but wanted to make sure that Makenna knew the Halloween Trick or Treating Rules. I thought we'd have a little crash course on trick or treating 101. So as I was asking them what they say, Makenna apparently decided to show me. She dug right into the candy...OUR Candy! She started filling her pumpkin until I finally realized what she was doing. She simply did not want to put it back b/c at that point it was already in her basket! She is too funny sometimes...and Madison said it just right, "Makenna is so silly!"

Trick or Treating

Getting ready to leave to go trick or treating
Mark and Madison are on their way!
And Makenna's Off!
Saying "Trick or Treat!"
Off to another house!
All Cuddled Up and Ready to Crash...It was a LONG, but FUN Day!

Here are some pictures of Mark, Makenna, and Madison before, during, and after trick or treating. They had a great time despite all of the cold weather we had. After we got back, Mark and Makenna had a great time answering the door and handing out candy to all of the other trick or treaters. Then they were all ready to crash!