Friday, February 13, 2009

Hug and Make-Up

Yes, it actually happened....Makenna, my perfect little princess, did something wrong and got in trouble. =) She has started to bring her fiestyness (I don't even know if that's a word!) out more and more. She has been taking things from Mark, even though she shares them a second later, she still took it in the first place and she has also started hitting. After she took Mark's drum stick we made her go in time out and when she came back she said, "Sorry Mark" and gave him a big hug and a kiss. It was so sweet that I had to take a picture.

On another Makenna story....earlier this week I was very sick again and was laying down on the couch with Mark watching a movie. Makenna asked where her pacifier was and when she found it she picked it up, grabbed her blanket, and walked away. I thought she was merely going to find another toy to play with but after a few minutes all I heard was silence. I shouted Makenna, but got no answer so I went to look for her. I looked in the Makenna, so I started down the hall, and there she was... laying on the front door mat at the bottom of the stairs, with her blanket and pacifier....sleeping. I guess she was tired and wanted to go to sleep so she just laid down and went! I couldn't believe my eyes! She hasn't done that since she was about 2 months old on her play mat! It was quite funny, but I picked her up and took her up to her crib, where she started to cry. I guess she preferred the floor! =)

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