Here is a video of Mark and Makenna playing "catch." If you can hear Makenna, after Mark throws the ball to her she says, "Good Shot or Nice Shot." It was hilarious. If you also notice her choice of throwing hand...yes, as of right now she prefers her left hand. We shall wait and see if she'll be a lefty, a righty, or maybe both!
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Sunday Dress
Sometimes I love getting Mark and Makenna dressed for Church on Sunday's. I love when Mark looks so handsome and Makenna looks so beautiful. I just loved this dress that I got her last summer and had to put it on her again. I thought maybe this time she would actually wear the hat that went with it, but I was wrong. Matt got her to keep it on for a couple pictures, but after that it was off. Enjoy my blue eyed beauties!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
All Better
Here is Makenna when I got her back inside the house after sledding. She was okay after I got her some milk, her blankie, and her new monkey. Matt's Aunt Cebra and Aunt Myrna took Mark and Makenna to Build a Bear on Thursday where Mark made a Dog with a Guitar (of course!) and Makenna made this monkey. I could not believe how stinkin' cute it is! We were so grateful to have them watch the kids while we were at work! Mark loves his dog, but changes his name everytime I ask him what it is. It's funny. But he has to have him every night now when he goes to bed and as you can see Makenna loves to cuddle with her monkey!
Getting Ready to go Sledding!
Mark and Makenna love to go sled riding. They love how much snow we are getting and ask everyday if they can go (I think mostly b/c they can see all the kids out there when they get home from school). So many days lately have just been way too cold, but yesterday we decided to fight the weather and go. Here they are in the house before we went outside. It was a very sunny day so they both decided they needed their sunglasses. It was so cute.
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Makenna the Knight!
Makenna wanted to put on Mark's Knight outfit the other day and it was just too cute! She was even waving the sword around. I think Mark has had quite the influence over her....not quite sure yet if that's a good thing or a bad thing???? =) But she finally got him back with the sword. When you look at her face in the last picture (to me) I think she has just been patiently awaiting this chance...planning, plotting, ahhh sweet revenge!
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Twirling/Running like a Ballerina
Here is a video of Makenna "twirling" around like a ballerina. Well, this is what she did when we told her to twirl around. She basically did what she normally does which is run around. Then of course in normal Makenna fashion lately, she followed her brother and fell down like he did because she thought it was hilarious.
Playful Times
In this particular moment Mark and Makenna were getting along great. Mark had his soccer ball and Makenna had her basketball and they were both fine with that. It is so nice during the days that they get along. They have been playing much better together lately and the only time that there is ever a problem is when Makenna has something that Mark then realizes after seeing her with it that he wants. Other than that (and the occasional knock down) they have been great together! I will try to enjoy these moments as I'm sure they won't last long!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Go Steelers Go!!!

Here we go....Here we go...Pittsburgh's going to the Super Bowl...Here We Go!!!
Mark, Makenna, and I got all ready for the game tonight. It was a tense one at times and I got a little nervous, but they pulled through and won the game. Mark was waving his Terrible towel at the beginning of the game. We were all Pumped!...Well...all but Matthew. =) Regardless, it was a great win and we can't wait until the Super Bowl!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
A Knight's Fight
Here are some pictures of Mark in his Knight outfit. He has now gotten Makenna to join his side. We have never let him Knight Fight (or any other kind of fight) with her before but yesterday she was having a great time playing with him so I didn't stop it for once. She's so funny when she plays with him sometimes. She can get all into it for a minute or two and then she loses all interest. Oh, and yes, she started saying, "Uh Huh" instead of "yes" again. I am already breaking her of it.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Shhh...I'm sleeping
Here is a video of Makenna pretending to sleep. Of course, Mark comes over and pulls her blanket out from under her because he wants her to pretend to sleep by him on the big Packers blanket. If you listen at the beginning of the video, she is saying, "shhh, shhh..." Enjoy!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Makenna 18 Month Check Up
Well, Makenna had her 18 month check up a couple weeks ago. Right about when she was turning 19 months. =) She came in at 25 lbs (60th %tile), 32 1/4 inches (60th %tile), and head size 46.4 cms (40th %tile). The doctor asked if she knew at least 10 or 20 words and we just laughed. She is now talking in full sentences and says probably closer to 100 words. She can almost repeat every word she hears perfectly. After listening to her he said that she is talking like a 2 yr old. I of course love to say how smart she is, but I am just a typical mother. Her favorite word is still "MINE" and now she likes to say she will do everything "Self, Mom." She has been feeding herself for quite sometime now. We aren't even aloud to hold the bowl for her so she can scoop more food out. She will push our hand away. This week she started wanting to zip up her own coat and put on her own shoes. "Do it self, Mom" is what I always hear. She has been going poop on the potty for about 6 weeks now and just this week she started telling us when she has to go pee too. It has been great! She is still my little fiesty girl and is just sooo independent it scared me. I dont' even want to know what it's going to be like at 16! Anyway, she is still our little princess and just gets cuter and smarter everyday. She is just growing up way too fast!
Swim Lessons Video 2
Here is the other video I was talking about where Mark goes under water to get the rings.
Swim Lessons
Mark was going to my Club for Swim lessons every Friday in November and December. He absolutely loved going. He got so much better at swimming. He was able to put his whole head in the water and gather rings and he learned to swim pretty much by himself. We got him some goggles to wear so he could see the rings under the water to try and reach them. He did a pretty good job too! Here are some pictures and a video of him swimming and reaching the rings.
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